Chapter Five

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Ding! Dong!

They both jumped at the sound of Jade's doorbell, who could this be at 1.30am? She thought as she climbed up she looked through the peep hole it was Tony! What's he doing here? She opened the door and Tony rushed in past her.

"Are you okay? You didn't text me to say you got home I was worried!" Tony shouted

"Sshh! Ruby is asleep I'm fine, I'm sorry for not texting I just forgot."

"I'm sorry just we are getting close on this case, people will know we are onto them. I just wanted to keep everyone safe" Tony looked up to her face and saw that she had been crying "What's happened?"

"Nothing it's been a long night can we talk about this tomorrow" just as Jade had finished McGee emerged from the living room, Tony rushed over to him and grabbed him pushing him against the wall "What the hell have you done probie!"

Jade ran to part them "Woah! He's done nothing Tony!"

"It must have been something to make you cry" he retorted throwing McGee a dirty look.

"It's nothing" Jade protested

"I'm not leaving till you tell me" Tony grabbed Jade's hand "I know we haven't known each other long, but we get on. Your part of our team and you’re like my sister. I want to look after you! And Ruby! I have no one"

Jade hugged him "You’re like my brother ... A really annoying one" She smiled. "Seeing you get on with Ruby made me really happy and you've been a great rock while I have been sorting myself out at NCIS and you was the best today handling the Ruby situation and coming with me to get her and I thank you"

"So why are you upset?" He quizzed "What has McGee done now? Why is he still here?"

"Why does it matter?" She retorted.

"It just does! I'm just looking out for you" Tony replied his voice increasing in volume.

"Nothing is going on here, I'm fine. I just had to tell him something" Jade stated

"What is so important that it couldn’t wait till tomorrow?" Tony shouted

"That Tim is Ruby's dad okay?!?!!!" Jade shouted in anger at Tony unable to take his questioning anymore.

"Mum!" A little croaky voice sounded. Jade's face dropped as she saw a tired little girl stood with a quilt round her at the other side of the room. Jade ran over to her and picked her up.

"You okay baby?"

"Yeah I just wanted a glass of water, why did you say Tim was my daddy? And why is Tony shouting?"

"Oh ... Erm ..." panic spread across all three of their faces. Jade shot dirty looks to both McGee and Tony. "Because it's true baby, I was going to tell you but I had to make sure you liked him first didn't I" jade giggled as she tried to diffuse the situation.

"Yeah I like him" Ruby declared from her tired state "he gave me ice-cream"

"I thought Tony gave you ice-cream?"

"He did, but then I got more off Tim" she said innocently

"That's cheeky you know! Double ice-cream" Jade laughed. She looked over at Tony and McGee who had calmed down a little "looks like she's already wrapped you both round her little finger" and they all smiled.

"You better go back to bed" Jade suggested to a yawning Ruby. She carried Ruby over to Tony who kissed her and said night.

"Night Tony the Tiger" they all laughed even though Ruby couldn't understand why. Jade looked at McGee unable to guess his reaction but Ruby had already reached for McGee he grabbed her.

"Night Tim my dad" Ruby said mid yawn, they all smiled to each other

"Should I tuck you in?" McGee asked and Ruby nodded. McGee walked over to Ruby's room.

Jade turned to Tony "I'm sorry, thanks for everything I don't have any family in Washington and you guys at NCIS are all so close it really made me feel like I had a family, you were all so kind and you helped me out a lot Tony, love you" they hugged and Tony turned to the door.

"I’m sorry for shouting and waking up Ruby and asking you all those questions"

"It makes you a good agent" Jade laughed.

"I'll see you tomorrow" he said closing the door behind him.

McGee returned "she's fast asleep"

Jade hugged McGee "I'm so sorry, this must be all so crazy!"

"I needed a change in my life, I'm glad you brought it to me, I still thought about you and at home I still have a picture of us from that BBQ"

Jade smiled "you’re so amazing you know! I never forgot you, I was upset when I heard you were going out with that Abby, I wanted to give us a go since I had become free from Dan"

They looked at each other still taking it in that they had actually found each other, there lips met as they softly kissed each other as they walked over to Jade's bedroom they fell on the bed and kissed and hugged. The nights events had taken a toll on them so they both decided they should go to bed McGee got up to leave but Jade called him back.

"Just stay here tonight, you’re too tired to drive and if we weren’t so tired I knew you would of stayed the night anyway" she gave him a cheeky grin.

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