chapter - 1

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"minhoooo.. what am i going to do?"

"i dunno, do you want me to do it?"

"gross no. and besides, my parents know who you are, they won't believe for a second that you're my boyfriend."

"okay then what are you going to do?"

"i dunno."

i bet your confused as to what's happening. let me explain through the use of a flashback.

||y/n's pov||

"actually, i do have a boyfriend."

i've lied right to my parents face, it wasn't the first time either but this was an important thing to lie about.

"really? well i'd love to meet him! bring him over some day"

shit. now what am i going to do? i hoped they wouldn't of asked to meet him.


FUCK!! why did i say yes? i don't even have a boyfriend, this'll be difficult.


i scanned the cafeteria to see if i could find anyone suitable to be my boyfriend. while looking i heard minho laugh.

"you look like a seagull trying to find food."

"shut the fuck up! christmas is coming up and i need to find someone!"

"lol, have fun with that."

i flipped him off without looking at him, i needed to find someone and quick.

sooner or later, i found someone. a guy who had blue hair sitting near us. he was handsome, very handsome.

curious, i tapped minho to make him look at me.

"who's that?"

i discreetly pointed at the mysterious boy, while minho didn't try to hide the fact that he was looking.

"what? the guy with the blue hair?"

i nodded as i turned my attention away from the guy to minho.

"that's yeonjun. he's apart of the sports club. word of advice, try to find someone else. i doubt he'll agree to this."


"he's like that, not one to do anything unless one of his friends ask him."

"who are his friends? the ones who hang around him the most?"

"i'm not 100% sure of their names, i thinks it's like sauc- soo- ah soobin. taehyung? no, taehyun. haha. beomgyu (he's very memorable), uhhh what's that one guys name? ummm... kai? i think. not too sure."

"so soobin, taehyun, beomgyu and kai?"

"sounds about right."

he lost interest and went back to eating his food.

"okay cool, if yeonjun doesn't agree, i'll see if i can make his friends make him agree."

"really? well what if he doesn't agree even after you asked his friends? what are you going to do then?"

"ask one of them."

minho started choking on his food because he laughed.

"god you're so desperate."

"shut up minho, you give me a headache."


i flipped him off as he just laughed at me and went back to his food. about a minute later, the bell went meaning next class was going to start. i had a free period but minho has a lesson so i'll think i'll go sit in the library or something. maybe see if yeonjun has a free period too.

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