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Fueilly  continued to awkwardly pat my back until I calmed. 

"Now go in there and tell her how you really feel.  "

Excitement and dread surged through my veins.  What if I got rejected?  Feuilly wasn't always right, but this time really depends on the accuracy of his to -the- point statement.

As we walk back through the doors,  I attempt to look cool and confident,  but inside I'm a quivering  wreck...  Feuilly pulls out his chair  and sits down whilst giving me a meaningful look.  I open my  mouth to say something but the whole table including Eponine turns to face me...  Soon the entire lunch hall has gone quiet and I crumble.  I can't do this.  Fueilly is still staring intently at me,  urging me on.   He knows that I'm good at public speaking,  I got full marks in our recent politics assessment...  So why can't I speak to the most beautiful girl I've ever seen right now?

I sit down nervously next to Eponine and try my best to get the words out. 

" Enj,  you've gone really pale...  Are you okay? " Eponine  says, her eyebrows bent in a confused and worried arch .

I feel my cheeks flame . I clear my throat loudly before murmuring
"Um ep can you come with me for a second? " Her face seems to light up at that and she follows me out of the cafeteria .

As soon as we walk out of the cafeteria doors, she gives me a questioning look.  This is it. 
"Ep...  Ever since you came to this school , it's like my life has gotten ten times better.  Your smile is the reason I wake up in the morning and your eyes are the first and last things I see, everyday.   I've thought  about you every moment since I first saw you.  " I look down at my feet,  embarrassed, but my heart is beating ten to the dozen.
" I guess what I'm trying to say,  in short is that I love you Ep. With every fiber of my exsistance.  "

I looked up to see silent tears running down her face. But her smile is still present and is now lighting up her entire body.  " oh Enjorlas.." she sighs blissfully.

"  I've  wanted was to hear you say that since the moment you walked in those doors last week.  I didn't want you to reject me,  so I made it look as if I was more interested in the other boys  ...  I'm so sorry Enj, it was torture not knowing how to tell you...  I love you  Enj."

My heart soars , and instinctively I lean in to kiss her. Our lips collide and immediately she responds,  kissing me hungrily and passionately. I run my hands through her luscious hair and she grips the back of my  neck. Slowly I back her into an empty classroom and we continue to kiss, until we come up gasping for air.  " Enj, can we just skip the rest of school and go back to your place? "  I grin widely and nod.

Soon we arrive at my place without a care that we are supposed to be at school.  We'll just feign illness when we return.  Her lips linger on mine for a blissful moment and we sit on the sofa, with our legs entwined, watching an Avengers movie " I have the most beautiful boyfriend in the world you know "she smirks " he's about yay high and he's got hair to die for and oh those eyes... " she groans as she strokes my torso "not to mention he's totally ripped in the six pack department "

I chuckle at this "well I try my best! " this earns a slap on the arm but I don't care. The comfort she brings when she's near is immense.  I wish I could spend forever with her...

Because  of one reason

She. completes .me  .

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