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I wake up slowly,  taking in my surroundings. The end credits for the avengers movie we had been watching come to a close and I realize that I must've dozed off at some point.  A few soft snores from Enjorlas confirm my suspicions that he had too. 

I stare at my sleeping boyfriend's form.  He's so adorable when he's sleeping.  His lips twitch every now and then as do his fingers.  I don't blame him for how he fell asleep.  I know that what just happened must've been stressful for him. 

I look around his living room in awe,  wishing I could live in a place like this. My family have to  share one single room  between the five of us,  and some of my dad's cohorts... It's nothing like Enj's house.  My eyes settle on a clock in the far corner of the room

3:15pm ...Crap.  auditions start in fifteen minutes. But I don't want to leave Enjorlas. 
As I deliberate over what to do,  Enj stirs and slowly awakens  " Good morning Ma Cherie... " he listlessly hums

" Enj you doughnut,  it's 3:15pm ... Auditions for wicked start in fifteen minutes... I don't want to leave you, but I really want a part in this "I stutter nervously, afraid he'll think I'm more committed to acting than him.

His face lights up and he chuckles.  " well what are we waiting for? "

Soon we arrive back at school and I rush to the audition sign up sheet.  Several girls have signed up for the part of Elphaba,but only two girls want the part of G(ar)linda
Cossete and Clara. I jot my name down on both lists in the hope that I could get at least one part.  Enjorlas joins me and his eyes swoop over the parts on offer.  Grantaire has opted for the wizard and both Jehan and Fueilly have  chosen to audition for Doctor Dillamond.

I look feverently for the part of Fieyero, hoping Montpannarse hasn't bothered to sign up.  My spirits drop as I realize he has. Great.

As I begin to walk into the auditorium,  I notice Enj looking over the list.  Sighing I find myself a seat and memorize my audition piece. 

He comes into the auditorium a few moments later grinning like an idiot.  I raise my eyebrows in confusion but his grin grows even wider. 

Soon it is my turn to audition.  I say  the lines I've learned without hesitation  . But then I have to sing.  

Nervously I begin singing.

Something has changed within me,  somthing is not the same...
I'm through with playing by the rules...  Of someone else's game.

I gingerly open my eyes and look at Enj who is spurring me on.

I'm through accepting limits, coz someone says they're so
Some things I cannot change -but till I try I'll never know! 

Some things I've been afraid of ,losing love, I guess I've lost ...
Well,  if that's love, it comes at much to high a cost! 

I'd sooner buy Defying gravity, Kiss me goodbye,  I'm defying gravity  and soon  I'll match them in renown..
And nobody,  in all of Oz , no wizard that there is or was  , is ever gonna bring

I walked off stage then feeling liberated and free.

As I sit down I realise that Enj is nowhere to be seen. 

Dancing through life, skimming the surface... His voice echoes throughout the auditorium.  My heart does back flips as he gazes down at me.  It's like it's my own private seranade and I just want to be in his arms kissing him passionately. 

Soon he finishes and gives a mock bow, grinning from ear to ear. 

"I'll be calling back people to see pairings tomorrow.  The rest of the cast list will be posted tomorrow morning. You are dismissed " the drama teacher states before flouncing out. 

Feeling elated,  I grab my bag . As I stand up I pause for a second to look at the currently empty seats that will definitely be full by opening night.  Strong arms slink around my waist and his head rests over my shoulder  "hey you" I sigh happily " you never told me you could sing like that."  he chuckles pulling away to run his fingers through his perfect blonde curls "well,  if you knew, it would've ruined my surprise."
His ever present smirk extends so it almost touches his ears. I turn myself to give him a lingering kiss and he hungrily responds.  He pulls away to gaze at me before gently giving me a peck on the nose  " let's get you home then my love "

And not for one second do I worry that Enj isn't gonna like what he sees when we get there.

Authors note - Ooh I just couldn't resist the urge to let Enj audition for Fieyero's part  , and you'll see why in coming chapters !!! Just a quick disclaimer - all the songs I used in this chapter are from ' wicked!' and they belong to their rightful owners.  If you haven't heard the soundtrack I urge you to go listen to it!  It's fabby!  -disclaimer over

Also I wanted to dedicate this chapter to AllisonBlack-Weasley, because she's so amazing and her support means a lot to me. -you're a fabulous person AllisonBlack-Weasley, don't ever let anyone bring you down.  Xoxoxo

Peace out wonderful people! ~Jasmine

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