When I see your face

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Authors note :this chapter is from Enjorlas' pov

One week later
Yawning , I  hit the snooze button and rolled over. It is 8:15...  Too early to be waking up on a Sunday morning.  Sighing I relax back on my kingsize bed, reliving last night.

The lads had been over for a few hours, playing call of duty- ghosts on the Xbox.
We had stayed up until 2am in the morning. 

Suddenly it dawned on me.  As Marius was leaving he had said " see you tomorrow in law class yeah?  "
... Shoot.
That means today is Monday. 

And I'm late.

Hurriedly,  I change out of my lounge pants and pull on underwear , my favorite denim blue jeans and my avengers tee shirt .  Rushing through the door,  I take a quick glance at my reflection in the full length mirror.   My hair looks terrible but I don't have time to style it today.  I grab my red jacket and sprint out the front door towards the garage.  Revving up my scooter bike, I set off for school. 

The first three hours of school pass quickly and are uneventful.  By the time it gets to lunch I am starving.   I quickly stop at my locker to collect my folder for law class and drop off the books I don't need.   Soon the  halls are filled with people and it becomes hard to move.  I take a few moments to wait for the claustrophobic atmosphere to clear before setting off towards the cafeteria. 

As I reach the cafeteria doors,  a shiver runs down my spine.  As I walk in I spot Ep in our usual space.  She's smiling, joking about with R and looking genuinely happy.  Gone is the girl a mere week ago that clung onto me for dear life.   For a second she glances up at me and her smile grows wider . I grow  so transfixed in her emerald green eyes that for a moment I forget to keep moving and I end up just standing there gawking at her beauty. Her cheeks flame a bright red and she looks away when I eventually remember to keep moving.  I pull up a chair in the empty spot next to her and sit down. Her body stiffens and tenses away from me, as she begins to rapid fire talk at Marius.

Part of me can't help but feel jealous.  Does she really fancy Marius ?  I pick at my food, no longer feeling hunger,  just sadness.  As she inched oh- so slightly closer  to my best friend,  my heart sank.  I no longer felt like  rallying the les ámis to join in our new cause.  My  cause was merrily chatting away with my best friend, even though his girlfriend sat a few meters away at a nearby table.  Being the fool he is,  Marius didn't  even notice the rapid fire conversation being flung at him .

"Hey Enjorlas,  why the long face? " Feuilly offered,  his voice laced with confusion and concern.  I put on a brave front and simply replied with a " just thinking is all Fueil "  I plastered on a fake smile, but he wasn't fooled. 

" Um Enjorlas,  can I talk to you outside for a minute please?  " he said, rising from his chair and walking towards the playing field
Reluctantly I followed him outside ,sighing  .

"Enjorlas,  what's the matter?  You've been distant all lunchtime, and you've barely eaten anything  at all. Your face looks..  Well no offense but you look like  a)  someone has just slapped you, and b) you also look like you haven't slept in weeks.  And don't lie to me Adrien Enjorlas because I will know when you are lying to me '

I'd been well and truly sussed out.  I sighed in defeat  , facing up to the fact that I needed it off of my chest.  "  I don't know anymore Fueil,  I just feel so broken up at the moment " I could feel the marble facade I held crack inside as I confessed " I think I love her but she doesn't even want to talk to me!  She'd rather flirt with Marius  or joke with R.  God she even spends more time with Coufreyac than me.!  I want her to know that I love her but I don't know if she even knows I exist... " tears threaten to make an appearance as I fall to my knees in despair. 

Feuilly pats my back awkwardly , but then begins to chuckle. "it's not funny Fueil " I mutter darkly. 

"Oh Enjorlas,  you don't get it do you?  Don't you see the way she always longingly stares at you , but blushes when you make eye contact?  Or the fact that you are the thing she has constantly jittered on about since the incident last week when you 'saved' her from some creep? She's just as madly in love with you as you are her,  she just doesn't know how to process the feelings she's having towards you.  Ask her yourself if you don't believe me. " he smiled.
  God he could act like such a mother sometimes.  But I was grateful for it. 

" You really think so?  " I ask,  my voice wobbling with hope and confusion. 

" I know so . Now go back in there and let her know you lemon"

Authors note :  Enj showed his sensitive side!  *collective awwww *

Gosh damn I've been longing to write this chapter since I started but stupid writers block got in the way.  I'd like to thank -jasmini- for inspiring me with this chapter . Without her , this chapter would probably have not existed because when I get writers block I tend to abandon the chapter until I get inspiration. Which sometimes takes a while.(I'm not the most patient person in the world... )Anyways,  thank  you -jasmini- ,you're fabulous! soo next chapter will probably be the lovey dovey confession chapter,  so prepare for cheesy adorable love scenes!!! 

Hasta la vista lovelies!  Xoxoxo ~Jasmine 

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