Drama class

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Finding the drama class seems a lot easier than I expect, but then again I seem to have a connection with performing that seems almost part of my personality. 

It also turns out that I'm extremely early, despite leaving algebra late.  At least I won't get any glares from the drama teacher. I make my way into the corner of the  drama room and sit on a  unusually comfortable chair.  Eventually, groups of friends trickle casually through the doors  and start gossiping in the corner.  I recognize one of the girls as cossete,  Marius' girlfriend with her friends , Eloise and Clara.  They chatter about their boyfriends (or Clara's lack thereof)  and the possibility of auditioning for the school production of "wicked " .

Eventually the rest of the class trickles in and I am surprised to see Feuilly and Grantaire approching my hiding place.  Behind them trails a gangly boy with a pale face and oddly, a pencil behind his ear.  He introduces himself as Jehan.

It takes quite a while for the drama teacher to appear, so the boys take a seat around me. Grantaire starts boasting to Feuilly that he could smuggle a bottle of vodka into school without being caught and Jehan takes out a small sketch book and begins to draw, glancing up at me from time to time to time . Within minutes he is nearly finished and the result is spectacular. 

"woah Jehan that's amazing!  " I gasp, taking in the beautiful portrait of me he has drawn. He isn't finished though, and he continues to add to the picture until most of the members of the les ámis are  artistically placed around my portrait.  Flashing a smile he shows me the final product, and I am breathless at its beauty. 

The moment doesn't last long though because  the drama teacher bounds in,  fifteen minutes late. Talk about double standards.

"Helloo class,  apologies for my tardiness,  I got caught up in this terrible scandal involving a terrier and a tabby cat!!  " the teacher breezes,  like a whirlwind. Although she is small  her personality  acenuates the big warm heart she has inside.  With a satisfied plonk she seats herself at a desk,  and begins  role call. 
Clara -yes
Cossete -yes
Daisy -absent
Eloise -yes
Feuilly -yes
Grantaire -"Yup! "
Bla bla bla  bla bla

Ooh...  Eponine!  That's new! - "umm yes madame.." I meekly reply , while silently cursing the  receptionist's inability to just slot me in alphabetically into roll call. 

The teacher claps her hands and tells us all to get into groups of four.  Grantaire loops his arms around Feuilly and Jehan's  shoulders and encourages me to join their trio to form a four.  I accept,  but I cautiously keep an eye out for cossete  ,who hasn't seemed to move away from her trio except to invite a boy called Montpannarse into her group. Clara twiddles her hair and gives Montpannarse puppy eyes, as if she is a little girl . Her flirting is oh-so obvious but Montpannarse doesn't bat an eyelid.

The teacher gives us each a scenario to improvise to and sets us to work.  Our group gets the death scene from Romeo and Juliet and we are tasked with improvising to create a comedy sketch from it.   Immediately  the boys go into focused mode and ideas come thick and fast. Since I am the only girl in our four,  I am cast as Juliet,  and Jehan gets cast as Romeo.  Feuilly and Grantaire act as physical theater props such as a bed or a candle holder, and make appropriate noises on cue.  Eventually we devise a plot in which Romeo drinks the "poison " but realizes he's been sold apple juice. Then Juliet wakes up ,they French kiss  and then run off to have a wedding in Australia.

All too soon the lesson draws to a close as we prepare to perform our sketch. All goes according to plan and we are greeted by whoops and cheers.  The bell rings and the majority of the class leaves to go home.  Our group ,however is  called over to the drama teacher's desk. "you four should try out for our school production. I bet you'll have a fair shot at getting good roles. Auditions are next week after school. "

And with that she flounces out the door leaving us stupified behind her.

Authors note : I am thinking of having a wicked family group on my profile page,  but I wondered who every one would want to be - I'm gonna be Elphaba, but if you want a place let me know in the comments! 

Authors question - How would you make Romeo and Juliet more comedic? 

Happy reading! ~ Jasmine  xx

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