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Authors note :Holy barricades... 1.18k reads?! Thank you so much to all my readers. Love you all so much... Oh my stars you would not believe how happy I am. I apologize for such a delay in my writing, but here's a chapter for you to enjoy. Thank you all so much xxxx Jas

{Enjolras }
I sprint into the streets, frantically searching for her small frame and that of her brother's, but it is too late. She is gone.

Cursing, my mind wanders, and I begin to recall the words her father had bitterly spat at her

You was supposed to be at the docks...

Good for nothing slut.


My breathing hitches. Surely not. No. She wouldn't... Would she?
Without thinking, I run in the direction of the docks , desperately hoping she isn't there. However when I arrive, I begin to regret my decision as I am landed in hot water... I have two problems.

One : I'm totally lost ,and
Two : I'm surrounded by several prostitutes, and a familiar face is staring at me from the gloom of the alley.

"well look what the cat dragged in... What you doing ere eh pretty boy? "
Montparnasse's scowl mocks me as he emerges from the darkness, causing the girls surrounding me to scatter like I've got a contagious disease.. Either that or Montparnasse does.

I gulp, but know that for Éponine's sake, I can't show fear. I grit my teeth and hiss at him "none of your damn business Montparnasse! "

This earns me a shove in the chest but I don't stand for it. I spring back to my feet and left hook him, causing him to hit his head on the wall and fall unconscious.. That was easier than expected .. I frowned, before continuing my search for my girlfriend.

It got to six am before I knew it and I was half awake. I knew I had school, and part of me considered skipping school and sleeping, but I knew she would likely be there. That and the cast list for Wicked was up.

I decided to go home and change, before making my way to the school. I wander to the auditorium where a cluster of girls huddle around a green slip of paper, squealing excitedly.

Pushing past, my eyes scan the list

Wicked cast list

Elphaba :Éponine Thenardier

Elphaba/Glinda understudy :Clara deluaux

Glinda :Cosette Fauchluvant

Fiyero: Adrien Enjolras

Fiyero understudy : Louis Montparnasse

Boq : Jean Prouvaire

Madame Morrible : Eloise lemarlque

The wizard : Gabriel Grantaire

Nessa rose :Sophia millaoux

Doctor Dillamond : Marc Feuilly

I smile happily. I got Fiyero, and she got Elphaba. My blood turned cold when I saw that Montparnasse was my understudy, but two slender arms around my waist calmed me.

"sorry for running off... I was terrif-" she didn't get to finish her sentence before I was kissing her passionately

"Ep, you got the part. You're Elphaba! " I cheered, before adding "and I got Fiyero " with a wink

The joy that spread across her face was infectious and soon we were both smiling from ear to ear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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