Chapter 9: Leisure

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Doc: there won't be any mission for today. Let's just take this whole day resting. *grunts*

Doc announced, grunting the bruises he got from yesterday. Everyone seems to be on the same page, even Hank.

well, I should be out there with them.

You thought to yourself since you don't want to happen what you experienced yesterday you immediately finished your breakfast to join Sanford and Deimos who are doing things that will satisfy their boredom.

Deimos: Mornin' (y/n)

Deimos said, raising his hand as he signaled (y/n) to join over. You waved and greeted the two. You sat beside Deimos who tried to smirk with several gauges plastered in his face.

Sanford on the other chair also waved at you and returned his eyes on the paper that his reading.

(Y/n): How are your wounds? Still uncomfortable?

Sanford: still feeling a bit of sting in my stomach but not now severe than yesterday.

You nodded in his answer since you can still see to him that his movements are still limited. You turned your head to Deimos who is sitting beside you.

(Y/n): How about you? You good?

Deimos: Good as ever!

Deimos jumped in his seat extending his arms towards you, giving you a big thumbs up.

You can definitely see in his expression that he felt a sting on the pose he made.

Sanford: yeah only for those wimpy agents.

Deimos: Hey!

Deimos yelled at Sanford who mocked him in his current state. Deimos rebut a word to Sanford that causes him to be triggered as they both ended tackling and fighting each other. (In a friendly way)

You continue to watch the two as they fight, some are roasty like Sanford is ugly or Deimos is on Fire.

they're literally like brothers.

You said to yourself laughing.
They have finally decided to stop their madness as they both agree that the fighting plus the pain on their body is not a good pair.

(Y/n): you two good now?

Sanford: Y-yeah.... That was painful.

Sanford said breathing heavily because of the fight. You both heard a flickering sound as you two saw Deimos lighting up a cigarette by his literal thumb. You were amazed at how Deimos did that while Sanford is on the opposite of your reaction.

Sanford: Dei how many times do I have to tell you to stop smoking!

Deimos: Sorry can't help it.

Deimos said standing up as he tries to find an open area to release the smoke.

Sanford: Well at least minimize it! I don't want you to die because of that.

Deimos: I'm still healthy don't ya worry!

Deimos said doing a fingerbang as he left the room. Sanford gave a huge sigh as he muttered 'jackass' that enough for you to hear. You chuckled at how Sanford is like a big brother to him.

(Y/n): you two sure bond together.

Sanford: Always been, he's the only one that lightens up my mood.

You chuckled in his response but were abrupted by his disconcerted look.

Crap did I offend him?

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