Chapter 33: (alternate ending) Dream

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(y/n): I'll stay... I don't want to risk anyone getting hurt again...we're all wounded... If he regains power, he will most likely gain an advantage.

Sanford: Fair enough...Be safe... you three...I'll be back as soon as I find Deimos.

You three nodded as Sanford waved and proceed in search of finding Deimos.

Sanford rushed to the wrecked buildings in the hopes of finding Deimos in time. You're worried about San because, frankly, you haven't cleared out all the agents in the area; there are still Mag agents prowling around. For the sake of Sanford and Deimos, you stood there overthinking.

Doc saw you fidgeting beside him as you stared back at the limping guy getting smaller and smaller.

Doc: We should not stay here and wait for San. We have to get that last drive before this bozo wakes up.

Doc said, lightly touching you on the back to break you out of your stupor. Hank nodded and led the way, calculating a route inside up to the wrecked headquarters, which was on its last legs.

Doc: why don't you and I grab Auditor, this guy is quite heavy you know.

(y/n): probably because he eats too many happy meals.

You joked, Doc chuckled at that thought, and you two proceeded to laugh while dragging Auditor to this wetland. as the rain starts to slow down except for the lightning strike that kept creating holes in the sky, petrichor starts to linger in, giving the whole area a soil scent even though the ground looks like concrete...

But that didn't let you and Doc bond together, laughing, talking to past the time while dragging an unconscious body on the ground. But on every Doc put a smile on his face, it has a tainted mark hidden behind it, as if he was pretending to smile, he wanted to... I mean he should be, knowing all of this will go to the end, turn back to what it used to, and finally... You can now finally go back with your parents.

Doc felt his expression fall thinking about that thought.

(y/n): You okay Dad?

Doc: Oh! wha- yes I-I'm okay sorry about that.

Doc used that smile again, You already knew what it meant with those smiles, you had seen them smile at their fullest and those that aren't so you knew that there is something Doc was hiding.

You glanced at him with a concerned look. Doc stared at those concerned eyes as he sighs...

(y/n): You can talk to me Dad...

Doc felt a slight pain now whenever you call him Dad.

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