Chapter 31: Final Line

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Deimos stuttered, the place has gone oddly quiet, except for the rapid gush of raindrops tapping at the dilapidated roof of this building.

he glanced back to were you supposed to pack up but you weren't there anymore...

Deimos slowly slid his bag back to the ground giving it a soft thud, he approached the corner of the vicinity, cautiously, questioning your whereabouts in his thoughts.

Deimos: (y/n)?... where are yo-


Deimos: Jebus! (y/n)! Don't jump out of corners like that!

Deimos shrieked as you emerged from the corner, standing weirdly...

Deimos: C-come on, grab your things and get out of here I sense the guards roamin-


Deimos felt a strong grasp on his hand, he turned his head to see what holding his arm as it leads directly to yours.

Deimos: Ya need something?

(y/n): I know a place we can go... away from guards.

Deimos: uh... sure... lead the way then.

You both prepared to leave, Deimos followed from behind exiting the building, immersing themselves in the heavy rain once more. Deimos felt strange as he returned his gaze to the building.

(y/n): Let's not waste time... let's go.

You said plainly, Deimos nodded hesitantly.

something wasn't right...

Deimos continuously followed you as you dragged him out of the field, you all went left and turn, places that Doc didn't even explain back at the base.

Deimos: Do you really know where you are going?...


Deimos: (y/-

(y/n): I saw an abandoned place when we got here, I don't think there are troops hanging on that base. Let's wait there to pass this rain.

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