Chapter 21: Reckless

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(y/n): H-how?... y-you're alive!

You gratefully stated, tears welling up in your eyes at the sight of his face again. He had changed, and he now appears to be more mature than before. You hurried up to him, arms wide open, wanting to hug him close and tell him how much you miss him... It's been a long time since you two saw each other. Cole stood there staring at you blankly while you approach him with open arms.

Sanford: (y/n)! Watch ou-

Cole tried to cut you off with the dagger he had in his hand, but Sanford covered you up, allowing him to receive the deep cuts on the back, his double helix tattoo in the back was severely ruined because of the gush of blood splurting that comes from the pink flesh that started to bathe his back in crimson red.

You were startled by his cries as he hugs you in pain, gripping your fabric at the back. You accepted his hug as you both crashed to the ground, letting your entire hand, which was placed at the back of his, bathe in his blood.

(y/n): Doc help me here!

Cole: (y/n)...

You shifted your gaze to him, and his face changed instantly, revealing these smiles that you couldn't resist, as he also extends his arms, waiting for your embrace. That you have no idea what does fake smiles hide.

Cole: I miss you...

Your heart just melted at his action, his demeanor quickly changed, and you gradually walked up to him, sliding Sanford aside gently. You approached him as if you were hypnotized by his charisma. Doc suddenly noticed the concealed weapon at the back of his hand.

Doc: Don't you dare (y/n)!

(y/n): Huh? Why?

Suddenly a firm grasp was evident in your collar as you saw Deimos dragging you far from Cole with this disturbing attitude. You noticed Cole's expression shift into an annoyed one that you hadn't seen before.

Deimos: You've fooled us once and I don't want you to fool us again twice.

Deimos taunting words to Cole. But that didn't intimidate him yet it just gave him this wicked smile like Auditor has. You stood there confused about what Deimos taunting words had said to him.


Doc: Let's go! He's not the reason we came here.

Cole: oh come on Dei... I'm not used to you being like this... where's the old buddy pal like I used to know.

Cole stated attempting to test Deimos' limits. You noticed Deimos clenching his fist in rage. Cole was one of the agents who was accepted into the family before you, and Deimos treated him like his mini-me because they are akin to each other, one of the relative similarities being that they both have these sharp teeth when they smile. Cole admires Deimos so much that he mimics how he dresses and acts. Dei treated him as if he were his own brother. Just as you are to him. Until...something happened.

Cole: where's the protective brother that I looked up to?

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