Chapter 25: misconception

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(y/n): What has got into you?!

Cole: You...

Cole menacingly said with clenched teeth as he ran straight to you, and because you didn't have enough time to process his movement, you felt a pain form in your chest, causing you to fly through the other side and bang against the concrete wall behind you.

Your body suddenly went immobilized because of the impact. The amount of pain in your chest caused by his sudden strength felt like you had been pounded by dozens of anvils.

You tried to crawl away from him as he approached, drawing a knife from his waist, causing you to shiver, but your body was numb from the pain. Cole approached you timidly, his face flushed with pent-up rage. He looks worn-out, with several gashes on his body and burnt markings on his face.

Cole: Get OFF!


Tricky: 0uCh!

Cole said in pure hatred as Tricky tries to tackle him to the side. He earned a deep gash in his chest, causing his whole front chest to be red.

Tricky let his guard down since Cole kept squirming out of his grasp, so he used the opportunity to give him a blow in the chest, causing more blood to gushes out from him, sending tricky flies directly next to you.

You stared there in awe and shock as he grew in strength dramatically. He turned around, picking his bloody knife from the floor as his gaze returned to you.

(y/n): Why are you like this?!

You yelled in fear, slowly backing up to him while he held out his bloody knife.

Cole: It's because of you...

(y/n): Why?! What's with me?!

Cole: You've ruined everything...


Cole muttered, pulling the collar of your clothing, he leaned closer to your terrified face, you looked directly into his bloody, rage-filled eyes. you were so near to being strangled.

Cole: I fucked up back then because of you.

Cole: then you came in this world to fucked up everything again.

Cole cries angrily as you stood there startled by his sudden manner. He was different, he wasn't like this, where was the Cole you used to know as caring, you felt like you were speaking to a replica of him... But, a bad one. Clearly, none of the circumstances in your life is your fault. It is not your fault that you are kidnapped or awakened in another dimension rather than the afterlife.

Cole: Oh Quit using your innocent card! You're a killer!


Cole leaned his face to you

Cole: You're the reason why your parent dies...

M-me? K-killed them?

You stood there stone-cold, stunned by the news, tears welling up in your eyes as you admitted that even though you hate what your parents are doing, risking their lives at work, and not having enough time for you, you still love them; how could you do such a sick thing?

Cole: I also treat them as my parents, you... family... but you fucked it all up...

(y/n): I-I didn't kill them...

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