Chapter 29: Rigid

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Colee needs to die


Your mind fills with tempting thoughts. Even though you can control your body it still be influenced by this evil thoughts you had in mind, urge to kill the guy standing in front of you.


Why are you always putting sympathy jn your heart (y/n), he's already wicked he can't be reformat. So kill him, let his blood bleed like fountain, that's fun, do you like fun right?

I- I that looks fun... w-wait no! Stop!

You said fighting with your inner demon, unberknowst that Cole had already launched his first attack. Cole didn't gave you some time to react as he punched you directly again in your stomach, sending you back directly crashing to the ground.

He's killing you... you still have to choose your sympathy?! KILL HIM!


You abruptly said as Cole Punched you multiple times on your chest, enough to let blood escaped your mouth, tasting the iron tinge of it.

(y/n): ENOUGH!

You pushed him away from you as you saw an opening at him. You took the oportunity to punch Cole in the face that send him flying, you ran to him in incredible speed grabbing him mid-air as you continue to ran while you crash him to the ground up to the end of the massive base, You took a final pressure to throw him directly at the concrete wall.

(y/n): Stop Cole! This has to stop NOW!






Deimos: W-what is happening? (Y-y/n)...

Deimos ickly said. His body is already immobilize by the amount of blood loss he has.

crap I n-need to help (y/n)

Deimos glanced at the knife impaled on his back as he jitters in pain. He started to feel numb because of the constant pain. He wanted to move but his body is sending him massive fatigues, he can't help but to just watch you two fight.

Deimos saw you dragging Cole on the ground as you slam him on the concrete wall. But what makes suspicious is that Cole having is a hard time to attack as if that something is holding him back whenever he wants to create a move.

Cole furiously fights back, hitting (y/n) in every known possible weak spots but from (y/n)'s inhuman abilities you blocked it all up, jumping agitated from side to side. (y/n)'s attack strategy was quite familiar that caught Deimos's attention.


damn that clown got influence



(y/n): Enough Cole! This isn't you!

(y/n) yelled at Cole.

Cole struggles to stand as he shivers, Deimos was shocked to see Cole all beaten up, he's just killing himself what is he doing?

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