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Lisa felt extremely nervous, about really everything. She called her mother, and she decided that they, her mom and dad, were going to come visit. Pam wanted to give Roseanne a break, specifically because Pam knew that Lisa could be a handful, especially when she was on some heavy medications. She was worried that she'd say something embarrassing to her parents about Roseanne or just something stupid in general.

She really thought that Roseanne would've said yes, about them living together-well, Roseanne would've asked Lisa to move in with her. She thought that Roseanne was ready for it too. It hurt her a bit, feeling like she was the only one really committed to this relationship, but Roseanne loved her. She had to, right?

Pam and Wayne wanted to take the two of them out for dinner tomorrow night. Lisa was the most nervous about that. Would something be brought up about hers and Roseanne's relationship, and thus making it awkward?

She slept most of the day again, her medication really took the energy out of her. Really, she just hoped that she would be able to get through the dinner with her parents, with out experiencing too much pain. Since talking to her mom last night, she had taken her arm out of the sling. She didn't want her mom or dad to overreact, because they always did when it came to her. In the process, she had hurt her shoulder more, and now it felt even worse than the first day.

Roseanne of course scolded her, mostly for not listening to the doctors: Joy and herself. She knew it was stupid of her to try and move her shoulder already. It's only been a few days since she had the bullet removed, now her shoulder hurt worse than when she had it removed. And that hurt like a real bitch.

"Fuck! Wait, wait!" Lisa cried, she held back the tears as best she could. Her free hand gripped onto the railing of the bed, hard enough to turn her knuckles white.

"I'm sorry Lisa. The shot only does so much. I can give you something stronger, but you said you don't want it."

Joy always felt bad for her patients, but this one hurt more. It was Lisa. Her best friend's girlfriend. If something were to happen to Lisa, Roseanne would never forgive her. And really, Joy didn't want to see Lisa in more pain than she needed to be.

She hated seeing how much pain Lisa was in now. But Joy also knew that once she got the bullet out, when she stopped digging around in Lisa's chest with tools and she stitched her up, then Lisa would finally feel the full effects of the numbing shot.

Lisa and Roseanne were getting ready for dinner with Lisa's parents. Lisa's been on edge, for a number of reasons today since Roseanne got home from work. Her pain, was the main cause. Roseanne was taking forever, in Lisa's opinion, to find something to wear; she was just stressing out. Now, the pair were definitely going to be late.

"Sorry we're late." Lisa snuck behind her mom and dad, who were waiting outside the steakhouse. Pam turned and pulled Lisa into a bone crushing hug. "Mom." Lisa winced; even the slightest touch to her shoulder killed. She should've just worn the damn sling.

Pam let go, and let Lisa give her father a hug. She's really been missing her parents lately, but the feeling has washed over a bit due to Roseanne's parents being so caring for her. Roseanne greeted and hugged both of Lisa's parents before they headed into the restaurant.

"So, how has Lisa been, too much trouble? Everything okay?" Pam asked Roseanne as the two walked through the main entrance to the mall. Pam and Roseanne decided to go to the mall together, while Wayne and Lisa went back to the hotel room to watch some football, mainly so Lisa could take her medication.

"No, she's been good. Been the same Lisa I met on day one." Roseanne smiled at Pam as they were both looking through some clothes.

"I know she's really quiet a lot. Most of the time when she paints though, it's because she's got a lot of energy. You can try and get her to do something outdoorsy instead, she'd probably love to do it instead of paint. If you need someone to talk Lisa, you can always give Wayne and I a call."

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