37 - Psycho

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37 - Psycho

I was terrified, anxious, scared and afraid. All kinds of feelings were trapped in my chest right now and I couldn't do anything about it. I usually didn't feel like this but tonight is something else. We've already been close to die once and I won't have that happening twice.

"Justin, watch out!" I shouted. A car was driving right ahead of us, towards us in a high speed just like Justin. Justin was quick to move and turned to wheel, making the car sway around the other car and back onto the road again.

"Fuck!" Justin shouted in aggravation.

I looked behind us, siting halfway opposite in my seat. Our seat belts weren't on which we probably should but who knows if the car crashes and we have to get out and run?

"Baby," Justin said, nudging my leg. I looked down seeing him holding out a gun for me, "here." I grabbed it and nodded, "be careful."

Justin knew I could take care of myself but that didn't stop him from saying I should be careful or risk his life for mine. He was the most caring and soft boyfriend even though he was wanted in possibly every state of the country.

The story of Justin and I are complicated, we shouldn't even be together. Not after how me met nor how we learned to know each other. Long story short, he had kidnapped me from my own school where I should feel safe. Where I felt safe now, was with Justin. Even when we were being chased on a countryside road in the middle of nowhere. He just had that look in his eyes that could comfort you but also make you feel like he was staring through your soul. His eyes could get darker if he wanted them too.

"Aim after the driver," Justin shouted as I got up on my feet and opened the sunroof. I stood to my full height and held the gun out in front of me, my finger on the trigger, so I could shoot when Justin told me too. I aimed for the driver just like he said and awaited a 'shoot'. "Are you aiming at the driver?"

"Yes!" I shouted back. It was hard to see for the wind making my hair fly in very direction. I knew I was aiming at the driver, I just couldn't see shit.

"Okay, good. Wait for my go!" Justin slowed down the speed of the car, leaving me confused but then I knew what he was doing. He wanted them closer so I had a bigger chance at actually hitting the driver in the black Rover behind us. "Now!"

I pulled the trigger, the bullet flying through the air and the windscreen of the the black Range Rover. I watched as the car turned slightly to the left before something made it love back on the road. The passenger had taken the wheel.

"Justin, the passenger holds the wheel!" I shouted to him as I climbed back down and into my seat.

"Shit," he muttered and looked in the rearview-mirror before looking back at the road in front of him.

"Okay, open the glovebox," he said. I did as he said and opened the glove box. "There is a grenade, right?"

"Yeah," I said and picked up the green grenade.

"Go back up there and pull the trigger off before throwing it onto their car. I nodded and moved back up to the sunroof. Just as I came out, a bullet grazed my ear. I was quick to duck before they'd hit me only a few inches more to the left on my face. "Fuck."

I pulled the trigger off the grenade with my teeth before moving back out to throw it. I threw it onto their car, making it land at the end of the windscreen here it got stuck. "Drive!" I shouted as I sunk back in my seat, "drive!"

Justin pressed the pedal hardly down, making the car drive faster ahead, getting us away from the soon to be ruined car. We both watched as the car suddenly went into flames, followed by a loud boom. A triumph smile making its appearance on our faces. "Well done baby girl," Justin chuckled and clapped my hand, giving me a high-five.

I smirked slightly and sat back down in my seat, finally able to relax just for a bit. My heart was thundering and beating loudly as I looked over at Justin. My hand slowly made its way to the back of his neck where I softly rubbed the hairs in the back of his neck. He glanced at me, a smile appearing on his face as he continued to drive down the countryside road.

I didn't care if he kidnapped me or if he had threatened me. I had learned to love him, I wasn't forced to do it. It slowly came as the days passed by. I loved him and he was there to take care of me, protect me when I needed him to and to love me. He was the only one I had when my family gave up on finding me. I didn't really care if they found me, I wouldn't go back. I'm staying with the psycho and I love the psycho.

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