Ch. 1 - Meeting Them :)

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Your POV

You picked up your bag and brought them in after your mother, and over to your new room. You set your bags down and looked out the window that peered into the front yard. You looked over to your left and noticed a couple people walk out of their house, they seemed to be heading this way. You walked out your room and went up to your mother "Mom?" You asked her "Yes sweetie?" She responded unpacking boxes "I think the neighbors are coming over to say hi!" You said smiling slightly

She nodded "Alright, go ahead, be nice." She said, and instantly the door bell rang "I'll greet them" you went up to the door and opened "Hello" You said calmly, the father you presumed waved "Hello, I'm William Afton, call me William or Mr. Afton if you please" He said, you nodded "Nice to meet you" You looked at the--guessing order--oldest, middle child, and youngest. You looked back up at the oldest, he had a fox mask, you shrugged "Hey man, like your mask." You said, he nodded in a responce "Thanks."

You looked at the younger ones "Hey guys." You waved to them, they waved back, the smaller one was shyer than the taller one. You looked back up at the masked one "I'm Y/n, your names?" You asked to them "I'm Michael. Call me Mike." He had arms crossed, "Alright" you looked down at the other two

"I'm Elizabeth! I don't mind if you call me Liz or any shortening of ny name!" She smiled up at you, she's adorable. You looked at the youngest "Hey kid, what's your name?" You asked, he backed up a bit behind his sister "I-I'm Evan.." he mumbled "Nice to meet you Evan, anyways," you looked up at Mr. Afton "Did you come here just to say "hi", or?" You gestured your hand in a circle "Oh! Yes, we did want to say hello, but to also welcome you to the neighborhood." He smiled

His smile kinda creeped you out. "Thanks man, I appreciate it." You smiled at him, he returned it "Are we welcome to come in? It's alright if not, sudden, I know" He asked "Oh! Yeah let me check with my mom" you rolled your yes sarcasticly and yelled behind the door "Mother dearest, may thy neighbors came in? Thaaannkkss" you didn't even give her a chance to respond, you looked back at the Aftons

"Please, come in." You opened the door to it's maximum to let them in "Thanks, Y/n" William thanked you "Y/n, you have to stop not letting me say 'yes' or 'no' when it comes to letting people in" She walked up to you "Yeah-huh, it's called having fun, don't think you've heard of it" you smiled and closed the door. Your mother rolled her eyes and introduced herself to everyone

You went into the kitchen to get some water "Hey? Y/n right?" You turned around to the masked oldest, Michael "Yeah, wassup" You responded putting your cup in the sink "Did you just move here?" He asked moving his mask from his face, you nodded "Yeah, we got the house last week and we moved in yesterday" You explained leaning against the counter

He nodded and sat in the counter next to you "I know you don't know anything about me, or my pals, but you wanna join my group of friends? You seem like the type of person to be in our gang" He asked leaning forward "Hm. Seems cool to join, you all have masks like that?" You asked himgetting up on the counter next to him "Yeah, we all do. There's me, the leader. Simon, Jeremy, and Mark, and if you join. You'll be there too" He leaned back against the cabinets above him

You looked to him and held out your hand in a fist "I'm in, Mike" he looked at your hand and fist bumped it "Nice! I'll tell the others at school tomarrow, they'll be excited to know your in the gang" He jumped off the counter and went into the living room, you followed after him. "Welcome back, you made a new friend?" William asked him, Michael rolled his eyes "Yeah sure." He said and sat on the floor behind the couch

"(Mr/Miss/Sir)? Can I ask you something?" Evan walked up to you "Yeah sure kid, what's you need?" You crouched down to his level "Will you hurt me like Mikey does? When you join his friends?" He asked you with a sarrow tone. You sighed with a soft smile "Of caurse not, I'll do my best not to, of caurse I don't want to dissapoint, but I'll do my best not to harm you" You said quietly and stood back up "Hey, I'm sorry guys, but me and my family have to go." William said

"Really man? We have to go?" Michael complained "Ooooooo" Lizzy went up to him poking at his leg "Crrruuussshh" she joked "Shut up ice-cream addict!" Michael groaned "Alright, let's go let's go!" Mr. Afton guided them out, Michael handed you a paper, you grabbed it and opened it up to read it;

"Here's my number. Call me after this time, which is after my school idiot: 3:45! We can also call today. See ya dork."

You smiled and tucked it in your pocket "Mom, imma go to my room" You said and went on your way to your room. You read the paper one more time and picked up your phone, deciding to call him, or not.

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