Ch. 9 - First Disaster

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Saturday Nov. 5th... 4:56am


You wake up slowly and stared at the wall for a second before sitting up with not thoughts. You just sat there. You looked at your bed side and noticed your phone. You slowly comprihended what you remembered. Swinging your legs over the side of the bed, you got up, walked out of your room, went into the bathroom, and stared at yourself. Your hair was a bit frizzy. You stared until you remembered about the trees and the sign you saw

You nodded at yourself with a sigh and exited the bathroom going straight back to your room. You grabbed your phone and immidently, out of instinct, went into your messages with Michael. You message him asking about the area with the trees. He didn't immidently respond, but he did, eventually. He said it was a park and you thought it was something else. Oh well. You turned your phone off but it buzzed, you turned it on again;

New Message!

Michaelle Aftoun👀
Say, about that park, would you wanna go there

[Your Username]😀
Sure- like a date? :0

Michaelle Aftoun👀
Gross and yes.

[Your Username]😀
Fair enough and yes :>
What time? Today?

Michaelle Aftoun👀
Uh- ;-;  11? Am.

[Your Username]😀
Thank you for clarification. Also, ok.

Michaelle Aftoun👀
Be glad the other 3 aren't around on Saturdays.

[Your Username]😀
Oh, you mean assholes one two and three?

Michaelle Aftoun👀
Yes, them. See you at 11 :D

[Your Username]😀
Ok. :>

You smiled at your phone, a date? Like an actual date? Damn, one week and you're on a date. It felt like a three days, but nope, a week. Ok, you put your phone in your pocket after checking the time. It's 5:17 now, so you decide to grab a set of clothes and take a nice, long, warm and cold shower.(decide what ever the fuck u wanna wear.) After said shower, you got dressed and immidently sitting back on your bed.

You grab a sketch book and pencil and start drawing random things, you make weird blobs that turn into really amazing sketches. As the hours ticked by, it was about 10:37 and you hardly noticed until you finally checked your phone and dropped your sketch book "Shit-" you mumbled stuffing your phone into your pocket and leaving the ripped out pages of drawings on the floor and on your bed side.

You stood and ran out of the house "Hi mom bye mom!" You said leaving and speed-walking to the park, following where you see the trees, of caurse watching the road and such. You finally made it, and saw Michael standing by a tree waiting for you "Finally you get here, what took you so long?" He asked walking up to you, you shrugged

"Meh, I drew random shit until I had a heart attack" You said "Alright, whatever you say." He smiled, "Follow me, I know somwhere that'll deffinetly be perfect." Michael grabbed your hand, you nodded and followed behind him holding you breath, this is a total first on going anywhere with someone. Especially someone like Michael, someone other than your mother that actually cared about you and your well being

You both stopped at a small pond with a bench "Ohh this is nice" you smiled, Michael turned around to you and smiled back "Told you, idiot." You walked forward now next to him "I know I'm an idiot stupid." You flicked his arm "Ei- true." He said, you chukled. "You know. This is nice, just you and me" You both stood there staring either at the sky and the trees, or at the pond.

You looked at him, and he looked at you. You turned ti face eachother "This is happening?-" he questioned "Yes stupid" you said, you leaned in, as did he, closing your eyes and-


You immidently pull back and looked over, William. Oh shit- You stare terrified as William walked closer to the both of you staring mostly at Michael, though you could tell he was staring at you too. "You, Michael, are in the BIGGEST, amount of trouble you'll EVER be in! You forgot your phone dumbass!" William yelled into his face, "You kept THIS of all things as a SECRET, from me."

He then looked at you, you gulped "And you, I told your mother and she is NOT happy about this either." He pointed at you, and went right back to Michael. "We're going home, we're have a much privater conversation there." He grabbed Michael's wrist and started walking off. You were both to scared to speak, so you stood there watching William drag Michael away.

You worried about what might happen soon, thanks to this you thought they might not let either of you speak to eachother again. Sighing, you slowly started walking towards the exit of the park. This was a short lived, disaterious first "date" ever. You didn't even know if you should call it a date or not. You started finding your way to the sidewalk to get to your way home

You prepared yourself for the rough conversation you were about to have with your mother. When ever she gets involved with you getting in trouble, especially like this, you knew it seem like you wanted to kill eachother. Reaching your house you stood at the doorway and grabbed the handle. You opened the door, your mother was there, as well as William and Michael. You knew exactly what they were going to try and do.

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