Ch. 10 - Get away

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TW// Mention if Murder :>

Y/n's POV

You stood there, slowly closing the door with your foot "Hey.." you mumbled "Y/n. L/n." Your mother came up to you and grabbed your wrist pulling you to the side, she started to whisper to you; "Why would you hide this from me?" She asked, suprisingly sweetly, you expected more.. shout coming from her "Well... I didn't think you would one, find out so early, two we're just stupid kids doing stupid things." You whispered back to her

She chuckled softly and placed a hand on your shoulder "I know, I was like you once, a stupid kid, but this kinda of secret, I don't why you would've hidden it from me? Especially me" She asked, shaking your side a bit "I mean I am stupid kid, plus, I'm pretty sure we didn't think it was that much of a big deal.." you said rubbing her hand off of you

"Yes I can see what you're getting at, explaining that to William on my behalf, might be difficult." She chuckled and pat your arm "Let's go back?" You nodded "Yeah, sure." You walked back infront of the other two, and your mother stood back next to William "I have made the decision, as so has your mother. We decided, you two are breaking up." William stated fairly boldy

"What?!" You, Your mother, and Michael all said in sync. You were pretty sure your mom had no idea about this. "What?" William asked to no one in particular "We didn't talk about that! We spoke about distancing them for just a coupld weeks! A month even, not making them break up!" Your mother yelled at William. "Eheh, we did, too bad though! If my son, your child are going to keep secrets like this from us, why not distance them from a couple states away!" William yelled back

You had a really deep, and heavy gut feeling that this argument wouldn't get anywhere nice. You started walking to the kitchen "Where are you going?" Your mother asked "Waters" you said and entered the kitchen. You immidently went off to the side and waited next to the silverware drawer and pulled out a fork.

Sense day 1 you had suspiciouns about William. Not just because he was rude sometimes, or had a very sarcastic ego, it was because of the pizzeria's he made with his friend Henry. Michael explained it to you a bit over the week and you were sceptical of him. You heard a footsteps entering the kitchen as well, and you waited.

You peaked over the corner of the wall and noticed Michael backing up into the kitchen fron your parents. He turned around and walked up to you "Do you know what they're going on about?" He asked, you vigerously shook your head "Obviously not" you said, you were holding the fork and he looked at you confused "Why do you have a fork?" You looked at the fork and back at him "Protection that's why, you don't need to know." You shrugged. You walked up to the wall that blocked off the kitchen from the living toom and heard a bit of your guys' parents conversation;

"-why not kill 'em! I mean if they're gonna keep such terrible secrets from you. Why not?!" William spoke, your eyes widened and you turned your head forward again "What are they talking about?" Michael was right infront of you making you jump and fluster a bit "Killing us?" You whispered shakily getting off the all and stepping over to the sink and leaned against the counter "That's not good you know, door is right there!" Michael directed his hand to the front door "Yeah, our only exit" you finalized

"Yeah, and?" "And there's no escape." You turned your attention to the doorframe where William stood "Father?!" Michael walked up to him, William put his arm and hand out to stop him, he had a single arm behind his back. You backed up and held up your fork, William laughed "What's a fork gonna do?" He smiled, you narrowed your eyes on his arm. "What are you doing? Where's my mother?" You asked

"Oh, well I told her I would have a conversation, and talk with you two, but she's just so naive that she left to give us privacy." He had a crazed looked over his expression, your knowlage on knowing something was up with this man, was true, and this was the proof you needed. "Dad I don't-" "Michael, not. Now." William never broke his gaze from you, kinda of freaking you out

You were wondering how in the fuck anyone was calm in this situation. William sighed, and he carefuly brought his other hand from his back, your concern and worried hieghtened now knowing he was holding a knife. Michael even backed away scared of his fathers antics, "Well, I'm so sorry our conversation has to be cut short my dear" William shrugged and pulled his hand holding the knife back

You readied yourself with all your courage and bravery, "Hm, as I see you don't care. Goodbye!" William lastly said before throwing the knife "WILLIAM!" Michael yelled, you extnded your arms forward and looked away, you felt the cold blade graze the side of your head, it didn't create an impact, or a cut. You opened your eyes and slowly looked at the knife it was right next to your eye almost

"You, BRAT!!" William yelled making you jump and cut yourself, you grabbed the knife and threw it at William's foot hitting him. "AH- GET BACK HERE!" You grabbed Michael's hand and started running, you ran out the house and a stupid instinct told you to go into into their house, so you did and ran upstairs to be able to look through the windows

"What is wrong with your dad!?" You asked Michael "I don't know! Why ask me?! He just makes me breakfast and sends me to school, but I can't go until Monday, and thanks to this fiasco I have an idea on what he's gonna do to me!" He said

"If I know what he's gonna do it to me, it'll probably be worse for what he's gonna do to you! If he-" You started to ignore him at this point, to keep an eye outside. He began to talk to much, so you turned around and looked him dead in the eyes "Are you ever going to stop?" You asked "No! When Lizzy and Evan get home, their gonna get hurt too!" You sighed

He started talking again, you rolled your eyes and pulled him in by his hoodies coller and you kissed him. The silence was nice, you pulled back and smiled, "Better!" You laughed, you turned back around to the window and heard the door open downstairs. "Shit" you mumbled

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