Ch. 3 - Princables Office

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Your POV

Before you knew it, you were in the princables office, with Mike, Jeremy, Mark, Simon, your own mother, and the princable. "Ok, Michael, the rest of your three, normal behavior from you all, but Y/n? First day and you're already causing trouble?" He spoke, "Yes, Y/n what's gotten into you?" Your mother looked down at you "Ugh, mom you should be used to this! I did this in every other school I was in!" You said looking at her, getting pissed

"Sure, you hid in a supply closet and tried to skip a class, but you were in there with Michael, a boy." The princable pointed out, you heard a snicker come from the other three "Ok, were you thinking we were trying to fuck? Like-" "Y/n!"

"Shut it! Seriously! We just met, and you think after we just met, you even said we were trying to 'skip classes', you think we were trying to fuck? We're 15 for Christs sake, get ahold of yourseleves." You said and sat back crossing your arms

It was silent for a long while, until the princable spoke up "Look, we'll send you home for today (miss/mr/sir) L/n, but when you come back, I'm sure me and mother would love to see some more respect out of you." He said

"As if! Show some (women/men) respect! You blamed ONLY me for THINKING we were trying to fuck, and oh, what do I look like?! A WOMEN" You started yelling "Y/n, calm down please." Your mother grabbed your arm pulling you back in your chair

"Damn bro they got a point" Simon agreed with you "Profanity, for both of you, and please, don't join their side even though you want to" The princable sighed "Already, so soon I know, but four day suspension, for Y/n and Michael" He finally pointed out Mike

"Oh NOW you actually bring Mike into this" "Y/n, please" Your mother tried pulling you back "No! I'm setting something STRAIGHT into this fuckers mind!" You got loud again, you heard your mother murmer something

"Listen here wise guy! If you think it's SSOOOOO funny to sexualise a person who looks like a women, or a women IN GENERAL, then that's FUCKING DISGUSTING" you put your hands on his desk and got closer to the man "(miss/mr/sir) L/n, please sit-" "NO YOU LISTEN TO ME-"

"Y/N M/N L/N SIT DOWN BEFORE I GET YOUR FATHER BACK IN TOWN." Your mother yelled. You froze in horror. Your father... did she, mean it? "I-I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that. We'll be going now." My mother got up grabbing your arm and pulling you out of the princables office still in a somewhat still frozen state. Why did she have to bring up dad. Again.


Sorry for the short chapter! Didn't have much in this, and sorry if this may have offended some of you- unless it spread some awareness abt sexualisation in women AND men, idk but anyways. Bye :)

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