Ch. 12 - We're Fine

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Y/n's POV

You stayed hidden beneath her bed, until you heard her voice "Y/n! I'm home a lot earlier than I thought I would be!" Your mother yelled out for you. You carefuly slid from under the bed and over to the crack on the bottom of door. You looked at her shoes, becuase you knew what she always wore. She wore brown slip-ons, and that's what she was wearing out there. You got up into your own feet and slowly opened the door. "Y/n! You are ok! What did you say happened now?" She asked you, walking out you kept a good eye on her "I-.. I said that William tried to kill me-" You slowly got quieter as you spoke your sentance

"I thought you said something else, but I'm sure he wouldn't do such a thing. He's nice, and calm. Also, did you say somethinf about a fork?-" Your mom acted like she was an idiot- well, she kind of is one. "I'm sorry? Heard me wrong?! What the hell did you hear then?" You asked her, she kinda stood there like a stachue until she spoke "You don't need to know- I'll maybe tell you later." She spoke. You nodded your head slightly and sat on the couch staring at the blank cube TV..

You thought about what happened, obviously you weren't the best going over the thoughts of what might've happened to Michael, but you're glad that you know you're fine, and Michael is most likley fine too. You leaned your head back, and stayed that way until you opened your eyes to look over seeing your mother sitting next to you "Oh, you can sleep I'm just sitting here." She said, you nodded closing your eyes again and oh slowly falling asleep

~*Time Skip*~

You woke up from your slumber and looked around. You were still in the living room, on the couch. You brought your head up and it hurt, obviously because of the way you fell asleep. You heard a loud booming noise from outside making you jump "What in the world is going on outside-" you mumbled slowly getting up to look outside to see it was raining "Of caurse, rain. What a perfect atmosphear for something bad to happen." You rolled your eyes looking over at the Afton's household. No one was there, but a small shadow top "I knew it, of caurse something bad always happens when it rains." You scoffed standing straight, starring directly at whatever or whoever was out there

It's eyes came slightly into view, "Purple and brown?- Oh yes, this is my death date." You flipped off whatever was over there, and walked to the kitchen after making sure the door and window was locked. Grabbing a fork again, and of caurse bringing it back with you. You looked through the door window, and then the actual window slowly.

The shadow black figure was of caurse closer "Oh yipee, what a gift. I swear, William if you try again I'm not scared this time. You want to try me, try me. You're acting like an pussy hiding in the bushes!" You basically yelled through the window, the figure of caurse moved slightly

"Ha, guess you are a pussy" You sighed heading to your room, the eyes of the figure following you, and yours following it. Reaching your room, you closed and locked your door, locking your small window and covering it with curtains. "Ok, I know what I'm gonna do, just gotta keep a wit and fast reaction time. Also good staring." You said and layed in bed, confeinently your bed was underneath your window, and of caurse you heard tapping. You turned around slowly to face the window, you slowly arose slowly with a stone cold face

When you saw his face your hatred grew grew bigger. "William you bastard." You mumbled, the thunder boomed again, and a few seconds later lightning struck showing his face, it was just as stone cold as yours, except his had a slight glimmer of glee, though you knew he hated you just as much as you hated him, maybe a little more.

You were just glad he didn't break the window at all. "What are you trying to do?" You asked loudly so he could obviously hear you "Kill me?!" You yelled. He didn't give a single gesture. You sighed rolling your eyes. You cleared your throat; "Are you trying to kill me?!" You yelled at him. Lightning struck again and he was now smiling, but after the strike he spoke "I wish I could try, but it seems you are smarter now." He said, and slowly descended below your window

You scoffed at him "I appreciate the compliment, but fuck you for trying that." You said looking down at the wall. You went back into laying on your bed. You were shocked you gor an actual interaction out of William without him trying to kill you again, though he did. You closed the curtains from your laying position and stared at the ceiling. You had the urge to sleep, but your anger was keeping you awake.

You decided, he'd probably come back, or still outside the wall. You banged your elbow against it, and funnily heard a jumped scream. You chuckled, now knowing he was still out there. Closing your eyes you felt relieved you actually faced a man who tried murdering you. So, you sighed and fell asleep to the sound of rain, and a constant sence of being watched.

~*William's POV*~

I stared at the raining sky. This kid needs to die, and will be by the hands of me, no one. And I mean no one, can leave their hands on my son, no matter how much I hate him, no one has the fucking right. I smiled as I imagines what would happen if I got my knife peirced straight through their kneck. Oh the wonder...

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