Ch. 5 - Visiting Michael :>

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Your POV

You pressed call and held your phone up to your ear waiting for him to anwer "Ayo?"  You heard Michael pick up "Hey Michael" You said slightly smiling "What's up man?" He asked "Nothing too bad sense the school stuff today, but I have a quick question" It sounded like he had papers on the other end of the line "Shoot." he said seeming to write something down "Is it possible I can come over? Just a little bored and need some different company other than my mother" You chuckled, he was silent a moment before speaking again

"Oh yeah, you can come over I don't mind." He said a bit shakily "You good man? You sound shaken like a bag of cod" You joked, making him laugh a bit through the phone "Meh, I'm fine. Like I said though, you can come over I don't really mind at all, my dad will probably say is that we'll have to stay in my roon most of the time. That's fine though, it's boring outside of my man cave" He said as you heard papers moving again

"Yeah that's cool. Also I hear papers what's up with that?" You asked, receiving a silence from the other end "Mike?" You asked "Oh- yeah, haha, just something my dad wanted me to write the princable, for the one millionth time." He exaggerated, you snickered "Alright, I guess I'll be over soon then. You are right next door, so a few seconds then." You smiled through the stress "Ok! See ya in a few Y/n" he said "See ya soon Michael." You said hanging up afterwards.

Finally, a friend that actually let's you stay over. You got up and left your room to knock on your moms door "Mom, I'm going to the Afton's to spend some time with Michael, my friend." You said then walked away and to the front door. You walked out and next door to Michael's house. Lucky, they have a two story house.

You go up the door and knock, being immidently answered by William "Oh, hello Y/n." He smiled "Hi! I hope you don't mind but I came over to spend some time with Mike" You said returning his smile "That's fine, just stay-" "In his room unless you want food, water, or the bathroom. Michael already gave me the info" You chuckled a bit, Mr. Afton nodded and closed the door behind you as you entered

"Michael! Your friend is here!" William yelled up the stairs, you raised your eyebrows and rubbed your eyes as you started to take a few steps forward until you were hugged from the side "Hey Y/n, nice to see you actually see you came!" You smiled at Michael's happy face, this is probably a side of him his friends at school don't see. "I know right." You said and saw Lizzy start peaking around the island in the kitchen

"Go back to making your food, or I swear to the lords." You said and she laughed going back behind it. Mike finally let go of you and grabbed your wrist "C'mon, my rooms up here" He faced away from you already and started leading you up the stairs. You nodded "Alright, I wonder how cool your, "man cave" looks" you said mocking his own discriptions

He sighed "I get it, I called it that, but anyways, welcome to my, room" he opened the door and let you in after him "Woah, thus place is nice" You said closing the door behind you "I know right, L.E.D lights, TV, actually good sized bed. It's great." He sat on his bed and moved over to make an extra space "Sit dumbass" he laughed slightly as did you and you sat down next to him on the bed cross-legged.

"Wanna watch a horror movie? Video game?" He asked picking up the remote, and looked at you "Horror movie works, and uh, what was it that your dad wanted you to write down on the papers?" You asked him

He looked away almost instantly and covered his face with his hand "Nothing." He said"You sure man? You're acting a bit weird, ever sence the weird closet thing I never wanna speak of again, you've been acting slightly stranger." You said leaning against the pillows behind you

"Yes, I'm sure. Now just- what movie exactly?" Michael asked waiting for your responce "Child's Play." You stated turning your attention to the TV "That's my favorite actually, it's also funny when I make Evan watch it and he throws his plush across the room because he thinks it'll murder him in his sleep." He laughed softly, his laugh is nice. Wait- what did you just think?- Are you growing a too close relationship with this guy- that's not good.

You nodded "It's my fav too, it's funny cause my mom's terrified if creepy dolls" You snickered and fixed your position to sit up right against the pillows. "On a scale of 1-10, what do you rate each of the people the group?" He asked, looking over at you, "Uhh, Mark is a 1. Simon's a 6, Jeremy's a 7, I'm a 10, obviously" You flipped your hair in a joking manner "Nice nice, now what about me?" He asked you looking back at the TV "12. 12 out of 10" You said crossing your arms. He yawned "That's nice to know, I'm better than you at least.."

You nodded "True, what do you think I am on that scale?" You asked, to sound if a light snoring. You looked over at Michael to see him sleeping, you smiled a bit and reached your hand out, thinking it would be a good idea to pull him closer to you. You immidently pulled your hand back and stared forward

'Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it, it's gonna be a bad idea. He's gonna hate you when you wake up. Don't do it- don't do iitttt..... ugh fine. I'll do it, but I'll hate myself in the morning'

You gave in scooted closer to Michael and carefuly sank into the bed and pulled Michael closer as gently as possible not to wake him up. You felt your heart rate increase, you thought it was adrenaline, but you felt like it was something else, strangely.

You felt him pull you closer. You felt your face heat up, and you wrapped your arms around him, holding him, ok you're doing this, no backing out now. You start to feel tired yourself, so. You decide to close your eyes, and pray that you're not dead in the morning... sarcasticly.

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