Ch. 2 - Starting School

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Your POV

You groaned as your alarm woke you up, you swung your hand over and hit the snooze button. Opening your eyes and slowly sitting up to the freezing cold air above your blanket. You shivered a bit and looked at your alarm clock "6am? Why did mom set it that early?" You ask yourself, then have the realizations she wakes you up for school in the morning at six. "Mooom, did you start me for school this early?" You yell with a raspy voice

She called back; "Yes! I wanted you start early!" You sighed and got up from your bed and walked to your closet and grabbed a grey hoodie, and black pants with checkered vans "This'll have to do... oh nice, my fingerless gloves" You grabbed those as well and put them on and immidently changed into the clothes you picked out.

You brushed off the hoodie and closed your closet to see into the mirror built into the doors "Meh, it looks good enough." You said, and walked out of your room to the living room "Mom! Do you have my bag?" You yelled to her grabbing food from the kitchen to put in your bag "Yeah I have it!" She walked into the kitchen giving you your school bag "Thanks." You put your stuff in the bag and swung it over your shoulder after zipping it up "I'll be off now, bye mom" You walked to the front door and walked out "Byr hun! Love you!" She called to you "Bye" you yelled back already making your way to school

Time Skip :)

You walk into the school building and search for the princables office. You found it finally, got your locker number, and it's code. You headed back thanking the princable on your way back. You turned the corner and saw a group of four kids, one of them had a fox mask, Michael! You walked up to him "Hey Mike." You said grabbing everyones attention "Watch yo- oh, hey Y/n" He said

"Glad to know someone remembers my face" You said and turned to the other three "Who's the hottie?" The kid with the purple shirt said "Shut up Simon." Michael said back at him "You know, I was gonna roast him, but thanks." You put your hand Mike's shoulder

"Pff, like you could roast people, girl." The red shirted one said "Oh? Says the one that looks like one of four furries in the corridor. No offence Mike" You stared directly at the red shirted with a cocky smile "None taken" Mike responded quietly. "Yeah- well-.. yo- I give up, what's they doing here anyways Mike" 'Simon' said

"Oh, Y/n's joining our little group." He said "Oh sweet, they have some nice burns, even though it was directed at us directed at all four of us, I like the idea." The green shirted one said "Meh, don't care, the more the better I guess" the red shirt one said

You rolled your eyes "Don't I get a mask?" You looked at Mike "Oh yeah, here, it's a golden freddy mask." He pulled a mask out of his bag and handed it to you "Thanks man" you took it from him and traced over the masks details and held it in your hand "Wouldn't you want to like, introduce yourseleves?" Mike directed at the other three "Oh yeah, we might want to. I'm Simon, cool to meet ya" Simons purple shirt, ok.

"I'm Mark." Mark is red shirt, yaayy "And I'm Jeremy!" Jeremy's green shirt, nice. "Cool, I'm Y/n." You said "Well now that that's settled, who wants to skip our first class?" Michael said putting his hands together "I vote in" You said raising your hand a bit "I'm in too!" "Obviously in." "Sure- I guess" the rest of the group agreed "We might want to hide though, cause obviously the stingy teachers are going to be around, and people are going to be in classes" You said devising a small plan

"True, true. Why don't we... find a janitors closet, or some sort of storage closet, and hide in there until we know no one is around." Michael suggested, you nodded "I suggest a storage closet, I've been in a few janitors closets myself and.. good fucking lord is it disgusting" You said chuckling "Same, they have the most wicked smell anyone could suffer smelling" Michael said nodding "Ayo, y'all have a lot in common and you get along well.. I smell, a ship!" Simon.. hopeingly joked, you stood and sighed

"Seriously? After two damn years of not being shipped with guys, this is where I am now. God damn it." You exageratted. The others--except Michael--laughed "Honestly, you guys would make a great couple! I can already see it," Jeremy joined in on the--still hoping a joke--and laughed "Shut up." Michael said firmly, you looked at his face and noticed a bit of red behind the mask that was covering his face from your direction

You sighed with a hum "Can you guys, shut the fuck up before I make you apart of the foundation of this school." You said in a half joking tone "Oh yeah, we'll stop..for now" Jeremy smiled slyly and snickered "Bell's gonna ring soon, we should find the supply closests and hide." Simon said looking down some halls "Me and Mark are gonna head down the main hall" Jeremy started heading in the direction he spoke of and Mark followed behind

"Imma head this way" You said and walked in the direction you came from, from the princables office. You heard footsteps heading away and in your direction "I'll go with you" you looked over at Mike "That works." You said, your locker was up ahead, you walked up to it as you put your code in and stuffed your bag in the locker shutting in closed and continued
walking. "Where's the nearest supply closet?" You asked Michael in a whisper "Up here" He said going over to the left, he leaned against the wall next to the supply closet and wsited until the bell finally ring

You both waited until you knew you were out of all the kids' sights. Mike opened the door to the supply closet and went inside first and you stepped inside afterwards. The room was suprisingly big for a supply closet. "Do I have my phone.. yes I do." You checked your pockets and pulled your phone out and turned the light on

You pointed it around and it finally landed on Michael who was, right infront if you "Jesus dude- that scared me." You said jumping a bit "S-Sorry." You heard him stutter a bit, you shrugged it off and looked around, you found a knife. "What's a knife doing in here?" You questioned, you heard the door open "I wonder why." You slowly turned around turning your flashlight on your phone off "Heeeyyyy princablleee"

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