Ch. 7 - Poor Evan :(

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Your POV

'Is he ok?' You almost immidently thought "Hey Mike, you ok? What's with the hug?" You asked him, he slowly let go "Oh- I uh, I just... I just needed a hug." He stammered "Ok then... but William wanted me to wake you and Evan" You said putting your hand on the handle "Oh, I can help with that." Michael smiled and went over to his nightstand to grab a mask. You opened the door in the process as he put it on "Let's go then man" You left his room and looked down the long corridor

"This way, he has the largest room in the house for some reason, but that just gives me an easier way to scare him!" Michael walked down the hall "Oh.. alright, I'll grab my- oh wait my mask's at home!" You said catching up to him "It's fine you can use mine if you want after I scare him." He opened the door to Evan's room and he carefuly went into the boys closet

You looked at Evan sleeping on the bed. You quietly ran over to him and looked at his nightstand, you saw a small deflated balloon and grabbed it, starting to blow it up "What are you doing?" You heard Michael whisper yell, you stopped for a second "Trust me" you worded, and continued to the blow the balloon up. Once it was blown to it's fullest compasity, you looked for a sharp object, you saw one Evan's other nightstand

You grabbed the small microphone off the Fredbear action figure, and pointed the pointy bottom of it at the balloon. You looked away and popped it ducking below his bed "AHH!!" You heard Evan scream and jump from his breath, with him breathing heavily. He got up and walked towards the closet, that's where Michael jumped out at him.

You both laughed as Evan fell backwards and started crying "Breakfast is downstairs!" You said getting up walking to Mike "Hey Ev, go get breakfast with your sister. Me and Michael are going now" You put your arm around Michael and left with him "You're gonna apologize right?" You asked quietly

"What, no? I like scaring him, on purpose, because I'm, quote on quote, a "bully" to him, it's entertaining for some reason" He explaned quietly, and took his mask off, holding it in his hand. You sighed "If you say so." You took your arm down from Michael's shoulders and put your arms around eachother, hugging yourself.

You entered the kitchen again from going down the stairs and sat at the same barstool before, Michael sat on the opposite side of where Elizabeth was "Welcome back!" She smiled up at you, you smiled back down "Thank you Liz." You said as William set pancakes on your plates. You turned to look at the stairs "Oh, it looks like scardy-mc-gee finally came down" You said as Evan walked up to the other barstool next to Liz

"You too now Y/n? Yipee" William said sarcasticly. You chuckled and ate your food and looked at Michael "Oh yeah, I lied about school obviously you said continueing to eat "Obviously you did" He responded with a mouth full of food. You looked over at Evan who was barely eating "Hey Ev, you asked him as he looked up at you with a face that seemed like he hated you

You sighed "Evan, can I uh, talk to you for a second?" You asked getting off your barstool walking to the stairs, he got off his and followed you. "What do you want..?" He asked in a very sad tone, you crouched and knelt down "I wanted to apologize, I know Michael won't, but whenver, or if I do, just know I don't exactly want to hurt anyone here," you started

"I just want to be friends with all of you, I just can't live up to everyone's starnards y'know? I'm sorry alright, just believe me ok." You put your hands on his shoulders, he sniffled a bit "Ok... we should keep eating?" He said, you nodded and stood up going back to the island, and sat at your barstool once again "Did you scare him shitless?" Michael whispered to you ".. Sure" you lied finishing the breakfast Mr. Afton made for you

You grabbed your plate and got up putting it in the sink "I'll be leaving! I enjoyed the stay, goodbye guys" You smiled as you walked towards the door and opened and closed it, and you started walking away when someoned grabbed your shoulder stopping you. You looked over to see Michael and you smiled "Why'd you stop me?" You asked, he handed you a folded paper. You grabbed it and he went back inside. You shrugged "Bye!" You waved and walked home, going into your room immidently, and opened the paper, flustered by it's words.

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