Ch. 14 - Fuck up everyones day

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Your POV

You, Michael, Mark, Jeremy, and Simon, all five of you were picking on kids or messing up their things in their lockers. You all knew how to open a locker if you never knew the passcode. You decided that each of you went down a seperate hallway to mess up, you chose the one on the left. You saw a few kids just having a nice talk so you thought it was a great idea to just interfear. You pulled out your Gold Fredbear mask and walked up to the two. "Hey guys!" You spoke smiling at the two "Hi there?- Who are you?" One of the girls asked "My name doesn't matter, what are you guys talking about?" You asked staring at the one talking, you decided to ignore the other

"Uhm... we're talking about-" "Laamme, you need to find new hobbies, that sounds like absolute shit." You interrupted her, not letting her finish her sentence. She stared you with her mouth agape with her finger pointed upwards. You shrugged, and walked past them roughly hitting your shoulder against hers, you could hear her trying to talk to you but you ignored her. You went back to the entrance because you didn't want either of the two to tell you out and you get suspended again.

You were still trying to listen to their faint conversation, but Michael came up to you along with Simon "Hey, we probably just ruined this kids entire career" Mike snickered trying to hold back his laughter. You sighed and took off your mask enough to see your face and smiled "What did you do?" You asked in a sarcastic tone,

"Weeeelll, we may have stuck a gum... ok maybe a few peices of gum in this one kids hair and he got so upset" Simon explained, you scoffed "Oh my god, you guys are insane." You shook your head and looked at the two of them. "What did you do?" Michael asked

You smiled and stood straight staring in the direction of the two girls "I told these two girls about whatever they were talking about was lame, and to find a new hobby, and that they were hella boring for a couple of teenagers, I didn't even let them finish to tell me what they were talking about" You laughed slightly "I know, kinda lame but still, they probably won't be talking about whatever it was in public a lot anymore" Michael was still laughing quietly, probably about sticking the gum in the kids hair

You glanced up at him and held your hand out "Got any more gum?" You asked, Michael shook his head but Simon handed you some "Thanks Simon, I'll be right back" You said as you opened the wrapping and threw the gum in your mouth, chewing it. You began walking back over to the other two girls putting your mask back on your face, but just above your mouth. "Hey girls" you said in a very faked sarrow tone "Go away." The short one exclaimed "No, I just wanted to apologize" You again faked your tone "About? We need more out of that apology" The tall one spoke

You sighed "About putting the gum in your guys' hair" You said, after you spoke you split the gum in your mouth into two peices. "What gum?" They both said in sync, and in that moment right there you swiftly took the gum out of your mouth and quickly stuck it in their hair before they could run "WHAT THE HELL?! THAT'S DISGUSTING!" The tall one said, "Sorry, but I just had too, your hair was too perfect not too mess up!"

You yelled to them as you ran back to Michael and Simon taking your mask completly off "Any gum left?" Michael asked as you approched "Nope! They're really pissed now" You said, Simon turned to his right "Uh oh, here they come now" He pointed out the two girls. You and Mike both looked at them, the taller one came up to you "What do you wan-" You were cut off by her slapping you across the face. You froze a second before turning back to her "You little shit-" "Michael." You stopped him, you eyed the girl as you took a moment to ball up your hand

She widened her eyes as you threw a punch at her, hitting her straight in the nose and between her eyes. She gasped and fell on to the ground with the force of the blow, you look at your knuckles and noticed some blood. You know you shouldn't have been proud about this, but you just punched someone with no hesitance. You turned to Michael and Simon, they were staring at you in shock "I'm getting caught for this, aren't I?" You hissed as you rubbed your hand covered in the blood on your clothing. Michael nodded slowly but began laughing

You gave a soft chuckle and looked at everyone else in the area, they were all staring at you scared shitless. You clasped your hands together and looked back at Mike and Simon "What do you say we get Jeremy and Mark and get out of this scene before the principle sees this?" You said, they both look at eachother then back at you and nod in agreement

You nod back and run away from the seen with the other two. So badicaly all you wanted to do was mess with some kids and ruin their day, but no, you had to choose the two kids that try and fight back and you getting to punch them. The three of you find Mark and Jeremy in time for your class time. You headed to your classes and sat in silence, praying no one would call, or come to take you to the office, on your first day back of the second week.

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