Ch. 6 - Secret Crush(es)

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Michael's POV

I woke up slightly to feel of something against me, I put it off as the wall, but when I went to push myself away from it, I felt a hoodie. My eyes shot open and I slowly looked up to meet Y/n's face. This deffinetly made me blush, profusely. Their arms were around me, after I noticed they were right next to me. I moved their arms from me and I backed up into the wall. "Well this is, new..."

I looked around and at the nightstand where some of those crumbled up papers were "oh no did they read the crumbled notes!?" I went over to them and sighed in releaf when none were open

"That gave me a heart attack." I said and looked back at Y/n, I smiled over their sleeping form "They look cute when they sleep... wait what." I spoke out exactly what I was thinking, and cute?! What the hell am I thinking, we just met two days ago! I looked at the notes and opened one up to read it over again;

"Hey Y/n, just wanted to tell you this. Yeah sure we just met like, a few days ago. Well, this note will be given to you in the future obviously, but I may have grown feelings a bit to fast. I've met a lot of assholes, and a lot of great people, but none of them have really stood out as much as you have. The things is, I like you idiot. You wanna date or som----"

The rest was skribbled off because I didn't exactly know what else to write. I mean seriously, I just met this person, and I already grew feelings. "This is stupid, they probably only see me as a friend anyways." I crumbled the paper and put back on the nightstand "Who?.." I jumped and turned around to and awake Y/n "Hey..." I mumbled

"Who's this person you're.. mumbling about thinking they think you're only friends...?-" They seemed still very much asleep even though they were awake... maybe I can do something stupid. "..You." I said quietly "Who...?" They asked again "You. You I guess." I spoke louder "Oh ok." They then, fell back asleep "Lord that was uh, stupid." I fell back onto the bed and layed there next to them "They're gonna hate me in the morning."

I went back up to the pillows and stared at Y/n and debated doing whatever they did. I wrapped my arms around them and moved over closer, they wrapped their arms around me. I became a flustered mess at this point. 'Just sleep, it's fine.' I thought, and eventually fell asleep.

Your POV

You woke up to the feeling of arms around you. You opened your eyes with a couple blinks and you looked down to see Michael "Ah-... when did this happ- oh. Yeah. I stayed the night" You murmured "hello..." you heard Mike say in a drowzy tone. You chuckled softly "Hey man, goodmorning." You said "Can you let go of me?-" You asked "" he tightened his grip around you

Your face burned up as he put his face in your chest "Is comfy." He seemed so out of it, maybe he doesn't get a lot of sleep. "Michael, you have to let go. I have to get home." You smiled at him as he sighed in annoyance. "Ok.." he then rolled over letting go of you

You sighed and slowly got off the bed and walked outside his room "Hello Mic- oh hello Y/n, I thought you left over night." William was in the kitchen, presumably making breakfast "Yeah uh.. we just got tired and fell asleep" you said making your way down the stairs "Where did you sleep?" He asked you. You went to say you slept in the bed, but that would sound weird "I uh, I slept on the floor." You lied

"Oh, ok. Well when I went in there I don't think you were on the floor." You blushed a bit and held your breath "Oh... I uh, I guess I thought I was on the floor" You said going into the kitchen "Would you like some breakfast, or will you eat at home?" Mr. Afton asked "Oh, I guess I could-" "Daddy! Daddy! I smell pancakes, are you making pancakes?!" Lizzy came out of her room and ran into the kitchen

"Hey Liz, and what were you saying (miss/mr/sir) Y/n?" William turned back around to the food "I was saying, that I could stay and eat breakfast here." You said and sat on the barstool at the island "Yay! Will you be here for Evan's birthday Thursday?" Lizzy asked you sitting next to you on the other barstool "Next Thursday, but yes will you?" William grabbed plates from the cabinet

"I guess so, yeah." You watched as Will placed plated infront of you and Liz, then ones in front of the third and fourth barstool "That's great! I get to have a new friend with me!" Liz smiled and watched her dad put pancakes on the plates "What time is it?" You ask "Oh, it's 5:30 something, can you wake Michael and Evan please?" William asked of you. You nodded and went back up to his room and closed the door behind you, and were immidently hugged by Mike. 'Is he ok?'

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