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THX SM 4 300 reads. ily. this chapter is based off of benjis summer 2019 edit and comes from an actual editor

i wake up and look at my phone. i was tagged on something on instagram. i look and see it was chase he asked benji to make an edit of this summer so far. cute. the audio was kiss kiss by machinegunkelly. his favourite artist.

it starts with a black vhs screen. then a video of driving here, then a video of the night when first saw me from his snapchat story it said help my roommate is so cute the fuck. and more clips. Every clip being 1 second long till the outro. "thank you. for the best summer... so far."

i look at him turn to my left and look at him. he had fell asleep cuddling with me again. cute. i peck his nose and his eyes flutter open. "whos there?" he says. obviously in a low raspy voice. "me you dumbass."

"no need to be rude noen."
"but love. its a personality trait."
"did you see the edit benji made for me?"
"yeah saw it when i woke up."
"can we maybe like go on a date? i guess. just a picnic near the lake?"
"yeah. itd be fun."

short chapter bc i have no ideas.
no ideas= no gallovich story sadly

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