Helping Luisa in More Ways Than One

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The next morning, the children and teenagers of the familia Madrigal all decided that they would notice Mirabel more. After all, she was, as she said, always on the side.

"Mira, time to wake up!" Greeted Camilo, knocking rapidly on her door. Mirabel groaned. "C'mon Mirabel, we don't have all day!" Cheered Camilo, bouncing on his heels.

"Then go downstairs without me..." Mumbled Mirabel, rubbing her eyes. "Yeah, I can't hear you so I'm just gonna wait. Right here." Said Camilo, leaning against the wall beside the nursery door.

Mirabel sighed before grabbing her glasses and bag, getting dressed, and throwing open the door, nearly hitting Camilo. "Woke up the wrong way?" Teased Camilo. Mirabel sighed before walking off. "Hey, wait up!" Said Camilo, jogging a little bit to catch up.

"What made you decide?" Said Mirabel out of the blue. "Decide what?" Asked Camilo, fidgeting with the end of his ruana. "Y'know, wake me up from my slumber." Said Mirabel, adding a dramatic tone to her voice, making Camilo laugh.

"Dunno, just felt like it." Said Camilo, walking a bit faster, leaving Mirabel slightly confused.

"Hi Mirabel!" Greeted Antonio, carrying two plates in his tiny little hands. "Hi Antonio, what's up?" She greeted. "The sky." He said with a grin, handing one of his plates to Mirabel. "I got all your favorites from the table." He said before running off.

Mirabel raised an eyebrow at her cousin's weird gestures but brushed them off. Maybe they just felt nice today. Well, Antonio always was nice so maybe Camilo just woke up on the right side of bed.

Mirabel glared at the only seat left. Well, there were a few seats taken but process of elimination and all that lead to her having to sit between Dolores and Isabela. She mainly groaned because of Isa since Dolores was actually nice to her.

"Excuse me." Said Mirabel, squeezing her way into the seat. "Hi Mirabel." Greeted Dolores with a soft smile, making Mirabel smile and nod back in greeting.

"Hey Mirabel." Said Isabela, barely glancing at her. Mirabel raised an eyebrow but thought nothing of it. Maybe, just for breakfast, Isabela felt nice to her. "Everyone, to the table. Let's go, let's go." Said Abuela, herding everyone still getting food to the table.

"Family, we are all thankful for Antonio's wonderful gi-" Abuela said, getting cut off by nearly sitting on around 3 coatis. "Gift..." She said, staring at the coatis on her chair.

"I told them to warm up your seat." Said Antonio, grinning at Abuela. "Thank you Tonito." Abuela said, shooing the coatis and sitting down.

While Abuela discussed on how Antonio's gift could help the town, the family are their breakfast, Luisa offering juice to Mirabel silently, to which she accepted. "Why are they all being so nice to me?" Wondered Mirabel, whispering to herself softly.

After around a minute or five of discussing Antonio's gift, Abuela stood up. "Before you leave to help the town, an announcement." Her family looked at her, all curious about the announcement.

"I spoke to the Guzmans, about Mariano's proposal to Isabela." Abuela said, walking over to Isabela, cupping her chin and straightening her back.

"Dolores, do we have a date?" Asked Abuela. Dolores tilted her head upwards, in the general direction of the Casa De Guzman. "Tonight." Said Dolores, listening intently.

"He wants five babies." She said, a sad tone barely evident. Upon hearing that, Isabela's gift acted on instinct and bloomed tiny flowers in her hair. Mirabel looked at her sister, who was very much frozen in shock.

"Wonderful." Said Abuela, picking a flower from Isabela's hair. "Such a fine, young man with our perfect Isabela."

"Will bring a new generation of magical blessings and will make both of our families strong." As Abuela said so, she fixed Isabela's posture and walked off. Camilo, seeing it as a perfect opportunity, shifted into Mariano and gave air kisses to Isabela, to which she responded by blooming a flurry of flower petals into his face, making him shift back and making Mirabel chuckle.

"Okay, our community is counting on us. La familia Madrigal!" Said Abuela, turning to her family. The family cheered back, Mirabel a bit quieter than her family.

"Mirabel, c'mon." Said Luisa, tugging on Mirabel's arm the moment she stood up. "Luisa?!" Exclaimed Mirabel, nearly stumbling and panicking. "You'll be fine, Mirabel. Just c'mon and help me with my chores." Said Luisa, blanking on an excuse to spend time with her little sister while doing her daily tasks.

"Oh, well that makes more sense." Said Mirabel, wriggling her way out of her sister's grab. "Sorry." Mumbled Luisa, letting go of her sister and letting Mirabel walk beside her. "So, what chores am I allowed to help with?" Asked Mirabel, skipping behind her sister.

"Any chores you can handle, I guess." Said Luisa, walking through the town. "Luisa, can you move the church?" Asked the priest upon seeing her towering figure.

"No problem." Said Luisa, easily picking up the church. "Is this a normal Thursday for you?" Asked Mirabel, smiling at her sister. "Oh yeah, bringing churches to the middle of the main pathway is super typical." Shot back Luisa, rolling her eyes.

After Luisa did a few simple chores with Mirabel helping on some, she pulled her sister closer to her, accidentally spooking Mirabel. "Oh geez, I'm sorry."

"No problem Luisa, what's up?" Asked Mirabel, guiding the 5 donkeys she was leading closer to her. "I just really needed to tell you this. Uh..." Said Luisa, rubbing the back of her neck.

"What is it?" Asked Mirabel, getting more and more curious. "I... Feel like I'm under a lot of pressure from everyone. Some of it's from the townspeople but most of it's from Abuela." She vented, making Mirabel look at her, concerned.

"I always feel like I'll never be strong enough for her. Is that bad?" Asked Luisa, setting down the one donkey she was carrying and leading it into the pen. "It's bad to feel like you're under way too much pressure but, realizing that and knowing where it came from is a good thing." Said Mirabel, leading her donkeys in the pen.

"Well that's good to hear. Now c'mon, it's around lunchtime and I can't wait to eat Mama's aborrajados." Said Luisa, picking up Mirabel like a child and running off, still carrying her sister, Mirabel protesting the whole time with a smile on her face.

Word count: 1078 words
Don't be afraid to suggest ideas btw. I'm very open to suggestions and I will credit you guys if I do use your suggestion.

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