There's a Man in the Walls! Wait, It's Just Tio Bruno

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"Why is there a big hole?" Asked Mirabel, a bit sleepy and done with the whole thing. She had been exploring for about half an hour and the little guy has just been showing her where to go.

The rat, who was now just riding on her shoulder, started jumping up and down, catching Mirabel's attention. "Are you saying I should jump over that?!" A small nod from the rat made her back away from the edge.

"That looks like an endless pit. And I'm not even shocked. I mean, it's a magical house." The little rat tugged on her hair making her groan. "Fine, but if I fall, it's on you."

She backed away a bit more to have a bit of a running start. She took a deep breath before sprinting and jumping on the old planks sticking out.

She yelped when she got to the last jump, nearly falling in. She tried flapping her arms to regain balance, which was successful. She immediately moved away from the edge, taking in deep breaths to calm herself.

"That was scary." Said Mirabel, leaning against the cracked wall. The little guy tugged on her hair once more and climbed down her figure, running a little bit ahead and looking back at her.

"Can't you give me a second to process I jumped over the big hole back there?" A shake of head from the little rat made her groan. "Fine, I'm going." She said, jogging after them.

After following the little guy for a while, she nearly walked and tripped on a bucket and trowel that was just there. "Well that's rude, whoever left that there." Said Mirabel, walking ahead and ignoring the cemented cracks.

After a minute of following them, she found herself in front of an old door, her little friend squeezing past. She was about to open the door when she froze, hearing a voice inside. "Niño! I was wondering where you went. I thought you were rummaging through the kitchen drawers again." The voice tsked at “Niño“.

Mirabel stepped backward, making a floorboard creak and making the voice inside go silent. A moment passed before the door burst open, scaring and making Mirabel yelp. The figure had their hood up, making Mirabel take a deep breath to scream.

"Oh no no no! It's me!" Said the figure, pulling down his hood to reveal a tired looking man with dark green eyes and curly hair that's going white. Mirabel still had the urge to yell but stopped it upon seeing the slightly familiar face.

"Why are you familiar?" Asked Mirabel, getting the words out slowly. "At least I look familiar." Said the man, scratching the back of his neck.

Mirabel still look like she wanted to scream but instead asked something. "Why are you living in Casita's walls?" The man sighed and gestured for her to come inside, to which she declined. "We're gonna be more comfortable inside than standing in a dusty, dark, and damp hallway." He said, still gesturing for her to come inside.

"Yeah, until I know who you are or I remember, I'm not going in there." Said Mirabel, backing away slowly. The man sighed, trying to think of a way for her to remember. "Oh! Remember those drawings on the walls? In the nursery?"

Mirabel looked more and more skeptical by the second. "Yeah? Pa said I drew those when I was 4 with Cami." The man looked a bit more hopeful. "That's great! Do you remember a man in green who drew it with you?" Mirabel nodded.

"I thought it was just Pa or Tío Felix." Said Mirabel, still backing away slowly. "That, was me." Said the man, arms outstretched. "Yeah, I'm gonna need a bit more than that." The man groaned, getting a bit frustrated.

"Uh, I'm just gonna get straight to the point even though you might not believe me. I'm Bruno Madrigal." Said Bruno, shifting back and forth on his feet.

Mirabel looked at the man in front of her, trying to fit him into the somewhat Eldritch horror that the family portrayed him as. "You don't look creepy." He chuckled.

"At least the familia got the rats right." Said Bruno, giving the rat his palm to climb on. Mirabel took a closer look at the small rat and was a bit surprised. "You're the little guy I was following earlier!"

Bruno looked between her and the little rat. "So you're the one who brought her her, eh?" The little rat looked a bit sheepish. "Miercoles Niño. Give us a warning when you wanna bring someone next time."

Bruno sighed. "Wanna go inside? There's more proof inside." Said Bruno, leaving her in the musty hallway. Mirabel groaned before entering the room.

"Ay dios mio it's dusty in here." Said Mirabel the moment she entered the room. Bruno chuckled. "You wouldn't be wrong about that." He said, picking up a piece of paper from a near broken-down wooden table, and sticking it onto the wall opposite the table.

Mirabel approached the wall, looking at all the drawings on the walls, carefully taking a familiar one off the wall. "This is in my room." She said, tracing the drawing of yellow chameleons, spools of yarn, and a small green hourglass being held by one of the chameleons.

"Yeah, you and Camilo wanted to draw something you both liked into one drawing so you both ran to me and asked for me to draw something to paint on the nursery walls." Said Bruno, now sitting in the ratty but plush red chair, eating an arepa con carne. "Hope it's still there." He added quietly.

"It's still there, someone just covered the chameleon with the hourglass." Said Mirabel, overhearing what he said. Bruno laughed, sounding like he was straining to do so. "It was probably Abuela or Pepa. Pepa's still sour about what happened at her wedding, even though I didn't mean it." He said, crumbling up the arepa he was eating as best as he could, and tossed a few to the rats.

"It was Tía. I remember her coming in with a bucket of green paint." Said Mirabel, sitting down on a wooden stool. "How nice, my own sister covering something I designed." Said Bruno, more sad than annoyed.

"Tío Bruno, if you are my tío, why have you been back here? All this time?" Bruno turned away from Mirabel, ignoring the question she asked. "Tío Bruno?" He groaned and faced Mirabel.

"Look, I can't tell you but I just want you to know, I'm proud." Mirabel was stunned. Those were not the words she was expecting from her somewhat estranged uncle. Someone she barely knew was proud of her? Well that's nice.

A few moments passed before Bruno suddenly stood up, surprising Mirabel and making her fall over. "Oh! I'm sorry but you kinda have to go." Said Bruno, helping her up.

"Wait, why?" Asked Mirabel, fixing her glasses and dusting off her dress. "Well, it's around 2 in the morning and I'm pretty sure you've got a lot of chores tomorrow." Said Bruno, leading her out an opposite door. "You're not wrong." She said, trying to stifle a yawn.

"Just go straight and take the first right you see. It goes to the painting outside the bathroom and it's way safer than the path you took earlier." He said, opening the door for her. Mirabel walked out and stood there for a few seconds before turning her heel and giving Bruno a tight hug.

"Stay safe Tío." She said. Bruno stood there before hugging her back. "You too mi sobrina." Said Bruno, before letting her go and closing the door, waving goodbye with a smile.

"Well this was an eventful night." Said Mirabel to herself before heading down the path her uncle gave her.

Word count: 1307 words
I'm so sorry this took so long to come out :,)

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