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Seokjin was a little hesitant to accept to be the receiver, to hold the board saying "Park family welcoming Jeon family with a big red cringe heart and receive the guests, specifically Jeon Jungkook.

But he agreed the main reason is he wanted to seduce Jungkook from day one. As Jimin's parents insisted, Jimin and Hoseok left first. Their parents told them they would come behind them. Still, Jin can't understand why all of their parents are coming, isn't it look like they are going to the fair !? Or someone's marriage.

Of course, Jimin told them he would park the car making it purposefully late, Jin and Hoseok didn't mind as they had a plan. So it's been 15 min Jin standing with the board and Hoseok is laughing at him making his blood boil.

"Hoseokie aren't you cruel!? "

" No, I am the most supporting friend, who will support your hotness, hot ass going to seduce someone like Jungkook, it's going to be none other than me "

Seokjin rolled his eyes at his so-called supporting friend who is making him lose all confidence by showing all those thirst-trapping photos of Jungkook from his social media.

" You got be kidding, look at the way I am standing, I searched how to seduce a foreigner last night"

Hoseok took a look at his friend again who is standing cross-legged and his butt is....wait?? did he use some butt pad !!! because it's drastically increased in size. The board is hanging in his hand upside down. Not to tell his face makeup. His lips are already plumpy why does he have to make them plumper?

" Oh, god !!! You are using a butt pad right!?"

" No ...no I am not, it's time for you to agree they are buns "

" No, I saw them very well, even naked with my eyes since we have grown up and they are bread "

" Bun"

" Bread "

Hoseok gave up after sensing eyes on them.

" Okay whatever it is, now listen to me, it's not the correct way to seduce him!!. As I also researched about him, in one interview he said he does respect our Asian culture more, I think he will fall more easily if you use our way "

" So you trying to tell Asians don't have buns??"

" Oh no, I am trying to say rather than saying hello in a seductive way try to say hello like our culture, you know bending 90 degrees he might see your ass too"

"Hoseokie it's old-style !!! And I don't want him to fall for me, I just want to seduce him "

Hoseok shook his head at his idiotic friend

" See Jinnie, if he is that someone who falls for your buns then he wouldn't have agreed to this marriage !! He would have had records of dating celebrities but he said he does believe in true love !!! So you have to make him fall for your heart, not for the ass "

Seokjin felt it might be correct but isn't it a bad thing? Making someone fall for your heart with a nomination to love them back? But Jimin is important here, it's not like people don't do breakups !! So it will be like that, as Hoseok said he will just make Jungkook fall for him and once he breaks the marriage with Jimin on his own then he will dump him. It's super clear and easy.

He nodded at himself, he had to accept that Hoseok does have a brain, which works.

" Hmm, I think you are correct but should I remove my butt pads now??"

" So they are bread??"

" They are buns !!!"

" Hey look!!!"

Seducing Mr. JEON [ Jinkook] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now