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Seok Jin's POV:

I looked at the clock, it was 3:25 in the morning. Why the hell have I been getting up at this time daily for 3 days? Ahhh my sleep cycle is fucked up. Jeon Jungkook should take responsibility.

Why him?? Of course, it's him. It's not I can't read between the lines but I feel I am overreading the damn lines.

He is coming and visiting my practice daily as if he doesn't have work. I can see his secretary's annoyed face. They all have to do overtime because he spends his afternoon 3 hours looking at me tripping over the ramp. Such a waste of his time. He even brings America, thank god it will be less awkward as he brings it for everyone. He looked at me like.......when he looked at me for the first time in the airport. He even asks me about my day and tells some stupid jokes for which I can't laugh, yes I have standards when it comes to jokes.

And he....looks so pleased whenever my team talks about the progress, especially about me. Yes, he is the company owner anything progressive is a pleasing matter but I feel...

Hahaha, so I am up in my bed at the time when ghosts dance, thinking about if Jungkook likes me. Isn't it ridiculous?? Like as if I lost my brain. The person who loved Jimin when he even didn't know what love is, who liked and fall in love with him just because they talked over the phone, even fly here to get marry him, not to say he fucking shifted his whole company for him!!!

Does he like me?? Ah, I think my lonely life is getting into the delusional phase.

Jungkook is a nice person, though sometimes he is a pain in the ass. He is just helping me out, like making me feel less tightened. Wait, what if Jimin asked him....to....take care of me or something because I lost my first love? Wait, it's just Jungkook pitying me??

Wow!!! And here I am reading lines as he likes me which is never going to be possible. He is going to marry my best friend in the coming 6 months. I am insane for this thought. God, I hope nobody gets to know about what I thought about Jungkook's concern....pity...whatever the shit it was. But....he is a good person.

I will make sure to talk less to him, maybe a simple smile will be enough. If I don't talk much nonsense there will be nothing for him to tease about, then he will lose interest and get back to being normal. Yes, normal. Then everything will be normal. Should I take the offer of Jackson, friendly dates? It might help me to clear my mind.

I should read some motivational quotes about setting my career as a goal, and about how not to get distracted by these hot men around me. Yes, that will be good. So I opened my phone and started searching for

' motivational quotes

'ignore hot boys and concentrate on work-related quotes'

' Love yourself quotes

' life after losing first love quotes '

Wait, it's not exactly losing, but whatever.

' how to ignore a man who loves black'.

I read and read, my eyes closed on their own at some point. And fuck my day started with me getting up late and missing my first class. When I reached Jungkook's office, my team was already going on with the routines. I opened my phone and looked at my new screensaver, a quote from the early morning.

No dick No pain
No kiss No covid 🤗 No hug No loss
No love No delusion

It's perfect. I am somehow proud of myself that I no longer eat Jimin's or Hoseok's brain. Now I know how to solve my problems. Perfect. I am always been perfect.

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