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Jungkook spent the last 2 days in his cocoon not leaving the guest house. Fake claiming he has flu-like symptoms and he needs rest. He strictly told others not to visit him as they might catch the flu.

After talking to Jimin, Jungkook's mind went crazy. Like he can't believe what and all he heard. And he needs a lot of time to process it. But right now he doesn't have time, his mom and dad are landing in Korea tomorrow, and their planned engagement will be in 3 days.

He just wants someone to come and figure it out for him. But sadly it doesn't work that way. But what is there to even sort it out!?

He closed and opened his eyes repeatedly as if he might wake up from a dream. But, no it's reality. He is here in Korea, in Jimin's guest house.

Jungkook doesn't remember how their conversation ended up about Seok-jin.

" Hyung, thanks for texting me that day, though I was far away you cared for me"

Jimin's confused look on his face soon turned to a shy and awkward one.

" Ahh, actually it's nothing Jungkook. Truly I forgot about the time we spent together, I am so sorry for that. My mom showed me some of our photos together when we were kids yesterday. Then I could retrieve traces of our memories. You were looking too cute in those photos.

And, I am sorry my memories are not as fresh as yours, you remembered all of us, all those days. Thank you for loving all of us and cherishing those memories, it's so sweet of you "

Jungkook wondered if this is what everyone said feeling spring means. And yes he truly cherished those memories, so why not when they helped him with his presence and guided him for his future?

The conversations were not only cute, friendly, and casual though sometimes romantic or cheesy-toned, they helped him a lot.

" Jimin Hyung, you were so kind to me too. You reached me though I looked distant and not easy to approach. Thank you for your effort to keep our friendship "

" No, it's you who did it. And also, I don't know if I should talk about it or not but I want to say you are mistaken about our seokjin. "

Jungkook controlled not rolling his eyes. Jimin is just too kind. How can he mistake the person who used so harsh words on a kid, he was also a kid but still.

"That day you told Seokjin called you ugly, and it sounded like he bullied you. I saw our photos together, in which Seokjin was sulking and I remembered suddenly it was because of me.

I don't know how much you can understand us Jungkook, but, Seok-jin and Hoseok are close to each other, you can call us soulmates. We are like pillars in each other's life. From the beginning, we got attached emotionally. It's like we can't even breathe without each other, though it might sound dramatic. And that day, I told Jin that my dad was making me go with him to the States for my further studies and Seokjin was not having it, and I enjoyed it. You know feeling so good that your friends will be upset if you are not there. That kid's mentality.

And I didn't get it seokjin was scared, too scared to live without me. And he just did what kids do when you take out their favorites. He thought it was because of you I was going to the States and he hated you for that. In the end, I convinced my dad that I was not going anywhere. I also couldn't imagine living without them.

And I am sorry, seokjin reacted that way and called you that. But trust me seokjin is a really good guy, a warm-hearted person, and he is cool too. My seokjin is the kindest soul you can ever get to meet.

He is like a kid, Jungkook. You know, I always tease him he is a bigger version of his favorite plushie RJ. And you just have to give him love and he will give you back all the love that exists on this earth."

Jungkook just nodded, not knowing what to do about it. Yes, seokjin was a kid. Jungkook was a kid too.

" And sorry, I didn't talk to you after knowing that you are doing good. I would have reached out to you more "

Now, jungkook doesn't know how to process a lot of information. He indeed feels sick now. He just wants to be on the bed. Talking to people feels like a big task.

The first thing he hated about someone because of misconception and the second thing he loved about someone was asking for sorry for not being in contact while all the way Jungkook talked to Jimin for years. Third, there is something that Jungkook knows he has an idea about but he is hesitant to admit it.

He felt his life came to terms when he met Jimin, but he felt it all started now, the one he never expected and was not ready for. And it's not like Jungkook is some coward he is ready to face anything that comes into his life. But whatever going to happen from now on, he knows it's not just his future going to change but his past too.

" oh God, are you thinking of digging a hole in here??"

Strangely Jungkook is so good at recognizing this voice. And he is not ready to face him.

" Are you... sick "??

Jungkook didn't open his eyes, no, he could act like he didn't see anything.

" Are you playing with me?? Jeon Jungkook, let me clear it to you I am not good like Jimin, he requested me to take you to the hospital that's why I am here. And now get your ass up from the bed right now!!"

Did he believe when Jimin told Seokjin is kind-hearted!!? From which angle!?

" so you chose death, okay let me come in your way only, I will count 3, if you don't wake up then I will give you a shower on the bed okay!!"

Jungkook can hear Seokjin taking the bottle from his nightstand and opening the cap of it.

" 1 "

God, why can't he just go back.!!!

" 2"

Why he is so stubborn!!!

" Okay...-"

" wait!!!! Don't even dare Seokjin"

Jungkook got up screeching still with closed eyes.

And the loud laugh made him open his eyes. And why Jungkook's eyes are deluding him, no, seokjin is not 'that' handsome. Not at all. He should visit an ophthalmologist.

" God, you are looking like my RJ when he didn't shave for long. "

And the giggle, ahh, so irritating.

by RJ

" oh, come on, Jeon jungkook that's the best compliment you can get from me, and now get up we are going to the hospital."

Seokjin removed the blanket from him a little rudely. Thank God he is wearing pants, considering he is not fond of clothes while sleeping. Otherwise, seokjin would have seen his dick by now.

" Are you a daydreamer? God!! Why I am assigned to this job? Is Jimin thinking I am jobless, and why the hell does he think it's okay for me to tell this work? I had to miss an important class for this-"

Seokjin keeps on ranting while Jungkook can't understand why all of it is not irritating him. It should be right?? Because Seokjin is showing how frustrated he is to take care of Jungkook. Then Jungkook should feel equally frustrated too.

Why the hell he is not feeling frustrated?? But what is this feeling then?? He doesn't have any idea.

And Jungkook wishes whatever sense it made after talking with Jimin to be nonsense.

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