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It took 2 hours for Jin and Jungkook to finish the doctor's appointment, all the investigations came normal yet he got prescriptions for vitamins.

Soon Jin took him to a nearby cafe, it was pretty much cool. And thanks to the fewer customers, Jungkook is not in the mood for chaos as his mind already has enough of it.

He didn't converse much with Jin, but the other didn't shut his mouth for a minute. Though it's annoying he didn't tell him to shut up.

" Here lattes are really good, we will order that. You will like it"

Seokjin talked as he looked at the menu. It's so sudden for Seokjin to treat Jungkook nicely, but Jungkook didn't question it.

Soon the waiter came to take their orders, which Jungkook is not into. Usually, he likes the places where he gets to order through the tab.

" Hi, Min-ho. How are you doing??"

" I am fine Jin, it's been more than 2 weeks since you came here, is it because Taehyung was on leave??"

" Nooo, why do you say that? I like to meet you and Jae-hwan too, it's just I got busy "

" Just kidding, can I get orders"

The waiter, now Jungkook to know his name Min-ho looked at Jungkook with a surprised look.

" Two lattes and your special cookies "

Before Jin finished, jungkook placed his order.

" one cappuccino for me, thank you"

" Lattes are good here, why don't you taste it.? "

Jungkook didn't entertain holding a conversation in front of the stranger.

" Okay, whatever. Mini one latte for me and two plates of Cookies only for me "

" Okay I got it "

Jungkook felt a little comfortable once Min-ho left who even looked at Jungkook before leaving as if he didn't expect Jin to come with anyone.

" It's good to take vitamins, though you don't have flu. And you look better now after getting some light -"

"Isn't it so sudden to be friendly, seokjin!?"

Jungkook knows he might come out as arrogant even after knowing why Seokjin behaved like that day. It's complete nonsense to hate him, for years. But now he doesn't have reasons to hate him and to like him. He just wanted to hold him tightly and shake him and ask him....ask him what??

" wa!!! You are a brat and I can't believe Jimin wants to give it a try with you !!"

Jungkook's eyes went wide upon hearing Seokjin. Because he is damn sure Jimin is in love with someone.

" What!?"

" Okay, let me clear it for you. Jimin is ready to give chance to you. And he is okay with the engagement. And hear me out Jeon Jungkook, Jimin is the sweetest person this universe can have, he is so sensitive, you better take care of him the way he deserves otherwise I will have your head.

And.....and I am sorry, whatever the shit you said, though I won't believe it, still I am sorry if I called you that. Nobody has the right to call anyone ugly. I am sorry about it. I don't want him to think about both of us hating each other.

So I am here waving the white flag, hope you also use a white flag.

And don't hurt our mini, he is the best one. Still, I feel you don't deserve him, hope you will make me feel wrong though, I don't like to feel I am wrong in general."

Seducing Mr. JEON [ Jinkook] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now