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It's one of the bad days for Taehyung, he hates them like others. Born in a middle-class family and not having financial issues it doesn't go in the same line. Sometimes he feels he is doing beyond his ability. And at the same time whatever he is doing, it's for himself, for his dreams but can't help but whine about it when it's getting hard on the way.

He wasn't in a peaceful mind to attend the class so he skipped it. The lawn which connects the art department and computers is his favorite place because many people don't use it. It looks like a ghost place in the night as it's so unused he can see the dirt on his clothes, hands, and on his bag too. He absent-mindedly started wiping the dirt from his bag not noticing Seokjin was standing behind him.

" Taehyung!!"

Taehyung turned to see Seokjin who looked hesitant, he smiled at him. Silently telling him he is welcome.

" Hi"

" I will just sit here, you don't need to talk to me "

Seokjin said while adjusting himself beside Taehyung, he is a little allergic to dust. He might end up getting rashes in a few minutes.

" It's okay Seok-jin. It's just...I don't know, I was thinking I should quit the group. I can't help more there "

" why??"

" Hmm, ..."

" Is someone told something to you, I will talk to Hoseok if it-"

" No, Seok-jin, nothing like that. You know I have to give a lot of time to practice and it means I have to leave some of my part-time jobs, which I did in the last month and it turned out I can't function without my part-time jobs. There will be some financial problems if I want to continue to give time to the group. You know I think I dream beyond my ability "

" No, don't talk like that... it's..."

Taehyung looked like he was not hearing Seokjin, and Seokjin didn't know what to say, God, he was not good at it. Never been.

But he wants to help Taehyung, tell him something which might help him. But he can never relate to this situation, he never questioned his capability, he just went for the things he wanted to try and experience, and money has never been a problem.

" one minute "

Seokjin dusted himself and walked some distance from Taehyung before pressing a calling button.

Though Jungkook cleared his mind and sorted the things to talk to Jimin yesterday night, still he felt nervous. Jimin looked like a dream, he was so gentle and warm. The way he sits to express himself is so gracious. For some reason, Jungkook felt too conscious. He can't just act normal, after meeting Jimin in person every meeting made him polish himself, he just wants to impress him. Though it's not himself, he wants to try. Today it's the first day they are meeting alone. No family, no friends, no seokjin especially.

" My mom thinks you became a fan of her food, Jungkook "

" oh, it's true Hyung. Aunt cooks delicious food. And I am thankful they made me feel at home "

" That's good to hear and you told me you wanted to talk to me about something-"

Before Jimin continued his phone rang, he cut the call and texted something before giving attention to Jungkook, and his phone rang again. Whoever that person is doesn't have a sense for sure, Jungkook thought.

" Sorry, Jungkook, I think it's an emergency, I have to take the call "

" Sure "

" Sorry again, hello Seokjin what happened -"

Jimin walked out of the cafe, oh if the person is Seokjin, Jungkook doesn't need to question the sense.

Again!!! Jungkook felt he was running out of patience.

" What happened seokjin??"

" Hi, Jimini, what you will tell if a person thinks he can't dream? He deserves everything in this world, he is a good guy, and he shouldn't think like that but he is thinking that way. I can't relate to his financial problems which makes him question his ability. And Jimin -"

" seokjin, okay...wait, I understand but please can you calm down? Take a deep breath Jinnie, yes good. First, you should be calm. And it's okay you can never relate to the situation but all you have to do is to tell him it's going to be okay. Right now you can take him out for food or something, just to the places where he likes to spend time. Maybe it matters a lot to him rather than the words. From tomorrow he is going to try again, he knows he has to try again. Right now he just needs company and comfort. Don't talk about what he doesn't want to, make him smile seokjin "

" Me, I don't think I can do it. Should I call Hoseok he makes people laugh easily. And I..."

" Taehyung likes your company, come on "

" I didn't tell it's Taehyung --"

Seokjin's voice came out low at the end...making Jimin smile...

" you don't need to tell me and now go back, don't get panic okay?"

" Okay, but I will call you if I feel nervous. Maybe text you. I will take him to eat, hmm and there is a street concert also I will take him there. Is that okay??"

" you have to ask him first if he is willing to, take him where ever he likes, okay !?"

" Okay"

Jimin thought of cutting the call but Seokjin's voice came in a rush.

" Jimin, Jimin, Jimin...i...how about me giving him the money he needs, it will solve every problem he will be happy too. And he will never think about his ability and -"

" Okay, but do you think Taehyung will take the money "

" No"

Jimin knows Seokjin might be pouting now.

" so..."

" I will take him out "

" Okay, bye then "

" wait, where are you??"

" Jungkook, asked for coffee so we came out "

" Hmm, don't stay out late Jimini, it's going to snow, and also if that person forces  you over anything let me know I will be there in a minute okay??"

For that, Jimin laughed making Seokjin pout again.

" Okay, my bulletproof. But SSeokjin, Jungkook is a good guy "

" Whatever mini, I am going to go, bye take care, wear glows, and keep the hot packs in your hand "

Before hearing Jimin, seokjin already disconnected the call.

" Sorry, Jungkook. I took more time, it's Seokjin. He got panicked about something "

" I think he might have messed up something thinking of how he handles things."

Jimin's softness on his face turned a little intimidating.

" Jungkook, I can understand you guys may not have had a better start, but Seokjin is a good one, he is the purest from the heart. I don't like anyone talking low of him, and I will choose my friendship over anything in this world."

" Sorry, if I came out rude Hyung. "

"It's okay, let's order something."

Taehyung thanked Seokjin for the time he spent with him, he smiled a lot and enjoyed the food. And special ice cream too. And the street concert was so special, it lifted his spirit, the dancers helped him without knowing, he did have a chance to. Just a little struggle can't stop him from dreaming after all. And he felt he was not alone, thanks to Seokjin.

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