27- Sam

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"You can get your shit next weekend," Noah said and I watched, baffled with wet cheeks and a sniffling nose as Noah slammed our bedroom door shut.

I took a few ragged deep breaths and felt my bewildered state demolish and a tower of vexation built up, taking its place. This was not happening to us again. To me again. I stormed to the door my boyfriend just slammed and tried opening it, but of course it was locked. I banged on the door and yelled through it, "After everything we've been through, this is how you're going to end it? You're pathetic! Come out here and break up with me like a fucking man!"

I was breathing heavy from my harsh and rushed words and I waited a beat for Noah to come out. My hand covered my mouth, keeping a sob from releasing. Willing up some strength- and even thought I was crying, and my jaw was shaking, and I could barely speak without my voice shattering- I shouted, "Say it to my face that you don't want to be with me! Tell me to get the fuck out while looking me in the eyes! But you won't because this is easier, right?"

I couldn't stop my sobs from falling past my mouth. I banged on door again, "I fucking hate you," I yelled out the biggest lie of my life, but I needed some sort of reaction from him, anything to know that he was listening and not shutting me completely out.

But I got nothing.

I stepped back from the bedroom door and cried into my hands, feeling every negative emotion in the book; angry he won't come out, heartbroken that I was losing my favorite person in this world, guilt because I told him I hated him. "I don't hate you," I sobbed, but I wasn't sure he heard me through my trembling voice and raging tears.

I waited for I didn't know how long before I walked away from that God awful door that wouldn't budge. I grabbed my car keys and the backpack I had brought over from home.

Before shutting the front door, I waited again, pathetically. I prayed, and begged, and hoped Noah would stop me and tell me he made a mistake. Noah didn't do either of those things.

I pushed away the urge to go back to see if he's okay and realized how stupid that was; he clearly didn't care how I was, so why should I care about his well-being? I slammed our apartment door shut.

All I wanted was for him to tell me he'd stop hanging out with Jude if it meant it would ease my anxiety. Was I selfish for wanting that? I wasn't asking him to not have friends, I just didn't want him to be friends with Jude. Was I such a horrible boyfriend for wanting that?

I guess now ex-boyfriend.

More tears poured down and didn't stop the entire drive home, away from Noah Wright.


You guys have no idea what's coming. I read all of your predictions and I'm like, hehehe they know nothing😈

Thank you for reading <3

-Xoxo, Bert

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