32- Noah

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"Noah?" Sam questioned as if I was the last person he thought he'd see that day, but also looked a little frightened.

I didn't think to hard on his expression because as soon as my name fell from his mouth, I stepped in and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. "I'm so sorry," I spoke into his ear.


"No, you were right about Jude, he was trying to get with me. I'm so sorry," I pulled back, but kept my hands on him, "Even if he didn't like me, I should've dropped him the moment you felt uncomfortable. I just wanted you to trust me, but I realized it wasn't about trusting me, it was about you being uncomfortable and I don't ever want you to feel that way. You come before anyone else in my life. I'm sorry that I made you feel like I choose him over you,"

I spoke with pleading eyes, hoping he'd forgive me for brushing off his worries. "I love you, Sam." I took a deep breath, " I rehearsed all that on my ride over here," I laughed out another breath. "but I feel like I have to say more," I slipped my hands in his.

"Noah-" Sam's tone was begging for me to stop, but I couldn't.

"No," I pushed because I wouldn't be able to handle it Sam didn't forgive me. "I need you to know how sorry-"

"So, I was thinking," I looked past Sam at the familiar voice that spoke and saw Carter coming from the bathroom door. He was drying his wet hair with a towel and only had boxers on. "Maybe let's not tell anyone right now-"

My heart stopped at the same moment as Carter looked up as saw me. "Noah," he said in awe, the same frightened awe as Sam spoke.

I dropped Sam's hands. "Not tell anyone what?" I asked in a low voice, I had to swallow the lump that formed in my throat.

No one said anything. I looked down at Sam. His eyes were tearing up and I've never seen such a shameful and guilty look in those green eyes of his than that moment. I repeated to Sam firmly, "Not tell anyone what?"

Sam's voice cracked when he tried to speak, "I'm sorry," he apologized instead of answering my question because he knew I had already put two and two together.

But I had to hear it from him, "Say it, Sam. Tell me right now that what I think happened didn't actually fucking happen."

Tears of anguished guilt fell down Sam's cheeks as he confessed, "Carter and I... we- we-" he shook his head.

"Say it," my demand was sharp blade, daring Sam to lie to me.

"I'm sorry," his jaw quivering.

"Fucking say it, Sam."

"We slept together." And a powerful force squeezed my heart until my heart obliterated. "I'm sorry," Sam sobbed, "it- it meant nothing, I'm so sorry."

I stepped back from Sam, and gave a humorless laugh, "This all seems like a waste now, doesn't it?" I asked referring to me coming to Sam to apologize.

"No," Sam shook his head, swiping his eyes.

"It's not? Me driving all the way out here to apologize and beg for your forgiveness while you were getting fucked by my friend, doesn't seem like a fucking waste to you?" Sam didn't answer, he just sobbed pathetically. "Tell me, did you think about me while Carter was fucking you?" I asked Sam in the most deadly tone.

"I'm sorry" Sam choked out, barely being able to see through the water in his eyes from the tears streaming down. "I was- we were upset and drinking and- and- high and It meant nothing."

"It's too late," I seethed, "This was the ultimate betrayal, Sam."

"I know, I'm so sorry. I regret it, it meant nothing. Please, I'm sorry," that was all Sam could say to me, his regrets.

"That's not good enough. Ya' know, I always knew Carter was a slut, I didn't think you were one too," I said brutally, not thinking about what I was saying.

"Woah," Carter spoke which pissed me off to no end. "Call me what you want, but Sam's-"

Before I even knew what I was doing, I shoved Cater roughly taking him back a step, in a fit of clouded anger. I heard Sam gasp behind me, but I was so blinded by the rage and betrayal I felt. "Fuck you, Carter! You're supposed to be my friend!" Pure, raw anger took over my body and it was in full control.

Carter's hands were half raised in a mock surrender, "Noah," he began cautiously, "I'm sorry, okay? It was a mistake."

I scoffed, " A mistake?! That's your argument? No, a mistake, is me thinking you were a good friend. You fucking my boyfriend, isn't a mistake."

"Ex-boyfriend at the time," Carter countered and my fist hit his face with no second thought.

"Noah," Sam sounded appalled, with his hand covering his mouth.

I continue speaking at Carter, my tone full of disgust, "You couldn't keep it in your pants, could you? God, you're such a fucking whore, it's unbelievable."

This time, it was Carter who shoved me while Sam was shouting at both of us to stop. "Fine, I'm a whore, but don't you fucking dare call me the bad friend! Sam told you how he felt about Jude, but you didn't give a damn about anything he said and I was there for Sam."

I gritted my teeth, my hands still balled in fist ready to his him again. "Carter, please stop," Sam begged, tears rushing down his face.

"No. Noah should hear how much of a shitty boyfriend he is. All you cared about was your friends who you hardly knew and just swept Sam under the rug like he meant nothing. You think coming over here with your shitty apologize makes up for it? I constantly had to reassure your boyfrie-" Carter was on the ground from the hard force of my second punch and I want to keep going, but Sam grabbed my arm.

"Stop!" He sobbed so I turned my anger towards him.

I gripped the hand that he had attached to my arm, "You know what happened yesterday when Jude tried to come onto me, I pushed him away and told him to fuck off" I yanked his hand off of me. "You're right, I shouldn't done that a long time ago, but guess what, Sam, I never fucking did anything. Wanna know what I did while hanging out with my friends? Talk about you," my voice cracked from the fist of agony in my throat threatening to choke me.

"Everyone fucking knew I was taken because I made sure they did," I flared. "So fuck you both for making me out to be the bad guy when you two are the ones who betrayed me."

I stepped closer to Sam then looked down at Carter who still sat on the ground, rubbing his jaw. I faced Sam again, shaking my had. "Just both of you," my voice firm as I spoke, "stay the fuck out of my life." And I nudged Sam's shoulder as I stormed out.


Noah's big mad. Is he being unreasonable??

Thank you for reading!! Next chapter out soon!!

-Xoxo Bert

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