16- Noah

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When I woke up that November first, there was a warm, petite body in front of me, snuggled into my arms and a ball of fur at my back. The ball of fur being Sam's cat.

I squeezed my boyfriend closer to me and inhaled deeply. Though awake, I stayed put and willed myself to fall back asleep because I knew when Sam woke up, he'd want to talk about last night. His supposedly 'shity night'. I just didn't want to deal with that. Deal with him telling me all the reasons why he doesn't like my friends. But he didn't know them.

Unfortunately, me trying to stay asleep to avoid a conversation didn't matter much when Sam woke up. Sam stretched and rolled over so he was facing me. I had my eyes closed, but I felt him lean in and kiss my chin. "Good morning," he whispered. He knew I was awake.

Opening my eyes, I gave Sam a small smile before kissing him on the top of his head as my 'good morning' to him. I didn't feel like talking.

"Can we talk about last night?" Fuck. I groaned and rolled over, but Sam decided to dive right in, "Jude likes you," He told me exactly what I knew he'd tell me as he sat up.

God, he couldn't have given it a rest until I had at least breakfast first? I sighed then turned onto my back so I could look at Sam as I said, "As a friend."

Sam crossed his arms, "No, idiot, more than friends. He was practically eye fucking you the whole time," he claimed. His hair was a tangled nest on top of his head and his makeup from the previous night was smudged and faded.

I would've found his appearance, comical had we not been having that conversation. But we were having that pointless conversation, so I rolled my eyes. "You're being ridiculous. Not every guy I'm friends with is into me. He's just... friendly."

Sam looked at me like he couldn't believe what I was saying and I wanted to roll my eyes again. "He laughed at your stupid jokes even when they weren't funny."

I leaned up on my elbows, "Hey. I thought you enjoyed my stupid jokes."

Sam groaned in frustration towards me. Probably because I wasn't taking this as serious as he was.
"That's not the point, Noah. Of course I love your silliness and your jokes, but he'd laugh at stupid things. At one point, he put his hand on your thigh," Sam gave me an incredulous look. "That's not okay. I don't put my hand on my guy friend's thighs, not unless I liked them. Which is why I'd always subtly put my hand on your thigh before we started dating. It's the little things!" He exclaimed.

"Babe," I sat up completely and grabbed his hands. "You're over reading this too much. He's just a flirtatious guy. Did you miss the amount of times he flirted with Alice or Ciera? That's just how he is. I love you. Me and Jude are just friends and that's all we'll ever be. I promise. Okay?" Sam opened his mouth to say something, but maybe decided there was no point because there was no point to this talk. Instead, Sam nodded his head and I leaned in and kissed him.

"Déjà vu."

Sam and I broke apart when his bedroom door swung open and Carter spoke. He had a habit of walking in on Sam and I. Although, Sam and I kissing is the least of what he's walked in on.

"Still haven't learned how to knock?" I asked.

"Why knock when there's a possibility of walking in on the hottest couple?" Carter jested as he eyed us like we were candy.

Sam shook his head with a chuckle as I said, "Ya' know, you joke, but you sure spend an awful amount of time at my boyfriend's house." I wasn't jealous of Carter. He had always been a good friend of mine and I knew he was best friends with Sam. I trusted him and I trusted my boyfriend.

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