4- Noah

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I ended up going to Dina's dorm. Jude and her were there with three other people. Jude had texted me it was a 'BYOB' hangout, I brought a six pack of beer (which I had to buy with my fake ID Jason got me the previous month). Dina let me in, "Noah!" She exclaimed, throwing her arms around me causing me to take a step back from her force.

I awkwardly put one arm around her to hug her back, "hey," I greeted and she luckily didn't hug me for long. I didn't like people I hardly knew to touch me. It was weird. And maybe I had some issues with who laid their hands on me from past trauma (Sam thought I should go to therapy. I told him "fuck no.").

"Noah, hey," Jude lifted his own beer bottle as he addressed me. I gave him a nod.

The dorm was as small as you'd expect and as decorative as you'd expect from a girl like Dina. I didn't however, except her love for pink. Pink fuzzy rug, a tapestry with shades of pink with big black, words the read "Eat Ass and Smoke Grass" and there's a green pot leaf at the end. Her bed, that was against the wall with the tapestry had pink bedding. I assumed the pink side was Dina's because Jude was sitting on her bed.

The other bed was Alice in Wonderland themed and that side was significantly darker.

Fairy lights strung up around the entire room which was the only form of light besides the lava lamp on the nightstand of the Alice in Wonderland side.

Dina shut her door and introduced me to everyone. "Guys, this is Noah, he's in my art class. Noah, meet Kyle," she gestured to a lanky blonde male, who was probably at least 6'4". He was rolling a joint when he looked up at me and nodded. Dina continued, "this is Alice, my roommate," she pointed to the curvier girl with bright green hair, who said 'hey' to me (I knew the Alice in Wonderland side wasn't Dina's)

And lastly, "Ciera!" Dina introduced me to a girl with short black hair that looked like she chopped it herself. She had nice tan skin and she was damn good looking. And I knew she knew it too. She wore a low-cut white crop top, showing off just enough cleavage to give everyone a preview. She wore black leather shorts with fishnet tights. Ciera took a hit from her vape and blew out smoke in the form of O's.

It was definitely a diverse group, yet they all had one think in common; getting high.

I walked further into the room and was about to sit down on the ground when Alice offered, almost shyly, "um, you can sit on my bed. I don't mind."

"Cool, thanks." I set my six pack down after taking one and sat down next to Alice.

"You smoke?" Kyle asked before sealing the job papers up with his tongue.

"Fuck yeah," I said, watching him light it and take his two hits. Thank god they had weed, I didn't know if I could socially interact with new people without indulging in something.

Kyle passed me the joint. "You a freshman?" He asked.

I already felt lighter with the two hits I inhaled. It had been a while since I had smoked weed. Lack of a plug was the main reason, but Sam also hated the smell, so I didn't smoke much around him. I wasn't dependent on it, so I didn't mind, but weed did help improve my mood and my shit social skills. "Yeah, you?"

"Sophomore. They're all freshies too," Kyle told me. "What's your major?"

I shrugged, "Just general. I don't really know what I want to do," I offered the joint to Alice and she took it. "I was thinking art but, after I fucking saw Dina's art, no fuckin' way I could major in that."

"My girl's so talented," Jude said approvingly as he grinned at Dina before pulling her into a sloppy kiss.

"Gross," Kyle groaned, "can you two not fuck in front of everyone?"

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