7- Sam

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I vaguely registered those words coming from a source close to my ear, but all I could reply with was "frickhead?" Or maybe I didn't even reply back, I wasn't sure because the voice spoke again.

"Give me some blankets, dumbass" the raspy voice demanded before kissing my shoulder blade. Noah was the voice that spoke. His bare chest was pressed up against my back while his hands tugged at the blanket I had cocooned myself in.

Half asleep, I lifted the blanket, rolled over so my arms wrapped around his stomach, and covered both of us with the black blanket. I nuzzled my face in his hard chest and inhaled. "Mmm." I loved the smell of Noah Wright and I didn't care if that was weird.

Noah grazed my naked back with his fingernails dragging up and down at a soothing pace. I could've slept all day in his arms if it weren't for Noah waking me up twenty later. I yawned with a stretch as I watched my beautifully naked boyfriend get dressed for the day. Which was briefs, black sweatpants, and a plain white t-shirt. Mmm. "You gonna get up or just watch me all day?"

"I was thinking I was gonna watch you all day," I deadpanned which got Noah to crack a smile.

"You'll be bored then; I have to finish my essay," he told me, turning on his laptop that sat on his desk before heading to the bathroom. He kept the door open so we could continue discussing our day. He rinsed his tooth brush under the faucet before adding toothpaste and brushing his teeth.

"That's okay," I told him as I reluctantly got up, but only to throw on Noah's hoodie then hop back in bed. "I figured I'd just chill in bed and watch Netflix."

Noah spoke with a mouthful of paste, "When I'm done we'll go out. Walk around Chicago and go out to lunch." And that was exactly what we did. Noah finished his paper, letting me advise it afterwards (so many grammar mistakes) once I finally got out of bed. Then, when I was ready for the day, we headed out to lunch.

The October air was brutal in Chicago; windy and wet from last night's rainfall. I was wearing my loose jeans (cuffed at the bottom of course) with high socks and my all white Vans gym shoes. A t-shirt that was covered by Noah's hoodie. I even stole one of his flannels to put of my hoodie. Wasn't my best style, but it was freezing.

"Babe, if you think this is freezing, you're not going to survive the winter," Noah told me as he held my hand while we crossed the street.

"Then it's a good thing I have your clothes to keep me warm," I gave him a goofy grin.

Noah and I decided on burgers for lunch. Well, Noah wanted burgers, I wanted chicken tenders to which he told me about a "really good burger joint that has chicken tenders, you'll love it." There was a good amount of people there, but not overly crowded. We were seated in a booth behind a group of four guys who looked about our age. And looking around, most of the people seemed to be our age and probably went to UIC.

I didn't realize those four random guys would be an issue until Noah let go of my hand- that he'd been holding- so we could take our seats across from each other. Maybe I just imagined it, but I swore the guy who sat in the booth behind Noah snickered when they saw us. I had a good view of their booth, but Noah was faced away from them.

Noah didn't comment on the snickering, so maybe I had heard wrong. But, it didn't matter because a waitress came up to us, asking what we'd want to drink. I said water while Noah asked for Lemonade. It was when our waitress walked away that one of the guy's said, "had I known we'd be sitting by a couple of fairies, I would've suggested a different place to eat," his tone was mocking and he spoke loud enough for Noah and I to hear.

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