34- Noah

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This had been posted on my Patreon as an extra, but felt that this was a very important scene...


Today 4:57 PM

Dude, I'm telling you, Sam
and Carter aren't going.
Just me Emily Haven Kaitlyn
and the two friends you're

That was the text I got Wednesday evening from my old high school friend discussing the holiday weekend. Every year, my friends and I go to Jason's vacation house up in Wisconsin. Last year I spent it with Sam. This year I wanted nothing to do with him. Not after he had sex with Carter.

But Jason reassured me that Sam and Carter wouldn't be there which was why I was pretty heated when I saw Carter pull up in the vacation house driveway. "What the fuck is he doing here?" I questioned Jason.

Jason looked guilty as he rubbed the back of his neck, "Alright listen, I know what Carter did was messed up, but he's apologized and I can't deal with you two being in a fight. We're all brothers and brothers forgive each other."

"You're joking right? Carter's not my fucking brother or friend or anything equivalent. He's a selfish dick that you told me wouldn't be here," I seethed. Everyone was watching this encounter; Jason's girlfriend and my good friend, Emily along with my ex, Kaitlyn watched from the couch. Ciera stood by me while Kyle rolled a joint from the kitchen counter and kept eyeing us.

Kyle was a part of Jude's friend group along with Ciera, but he was closer to Ciera. When she ditched their group for me, so did Kyle.

Everyone knew- vaguely- what had happened between Sam, Carter, and I, which was why Emily spoke up, "Jason, that was literally two weeks ago, you're being insensitive."

"Well, he's already here, so what am I supposed to do?" Jason asked genuinely as he looked panicked.

"Tell him to leave," Me, Ciera, and Kaitlyn said in unison.

Emily said, "Tell him it's a big idea to be here and he should just go."

And Kyle stayed quiet.

"Ya' know what," I started, "I'll tell him," I decided as I made my way outside.

"Noah, don't," Ciera called to me and they all followed.

Carter was grabbing his overnight bag from the trunk of his car when I walked up to him, "What the fuck are you doing here?"

He turned to me with a nonchalant look. His face from when I hit him two weeks prior was still bruised, but fading. "They're my friends too, Noah. Believe it or not, you can't control everything."

"I don't give a shit, leave," I demanded, hands balled into a fist and I tried to keep my emotions at bay before I lash out physically.

Carter gave a humorless laugh, "I'm not dealing with your fucking tantrum today, so get over it," but when he tried walking past me all smug, I shoved him back.

"Okay guys, let's chill out," I heard Jason say but we ignored him as Carter dropped his bag on the gravel ground before pushing me back.

"I'm sick and tired of you thinking you never do anything wrong," Carter exclaimed at me.

"I know I do shit wrong, know what I don't do? Fuck your best friend's ex!" I yelled back, my anger coming through as I attacked him to the ground and wailed on him, punch after punch.

Everyone is as shouting at us to stop, but we couldn't, too dazed by the solid hatred we felt towards the other. "Who the fuck does that to their friends?!" I screamed at him.

Carter was able to dodge a few hits and even clocked me causing me to fall back and release him. Then Carter had control of the punches, torturing me as he said, "You should've heard Sam moaning under me," my heart squeezed in an aching throb as he spoke, "Of course he wasn't thinking about his shitty boyfriend while I was inside him."

I kicked him off me and was about to throw another punch until I was yanked off him by Jason and Kyle.

I shook myself free of the arms attached to me. "Fuck you," I shot at Carter who was on the ground and I made sure to spit on him before Ciera put her hand on my chest and pushed me back.

"Enough," she told me. "Go," she charged, forcing me to turn around and pushing me when I wouldn't budge. Inside, I was fuming, my face was bruising and hurt like a bitch as Ciera pulled me into the bathroom. "I'm going to find a first aid kit. Stay here," her tone was threatening.

I looked like shit in the mirror and hoped Carter looked worse. My anger cooled some as I took deep breaths. Then Jason appeared at the doorway and said, "That make you feel better?" I grunted as a response. "Good," Jason said and tossed me a first aid kit before shoving Carter into the bathroom with me. "Now you two, talk it out." And Jason slammed the door shut.

I scoffed and took a seat on the closed toilet seat, grumbling under my breath about how bullshit this was as I unclasped the kit, pulling out bandages and antiseptic cream.

Carter silently grabbed toilet paper, ripping off a good amount and brought it to his nose as he sat down on the edge of the bathtub. We didn't talk for five long minutes until Carter broke the quiet. First by clearing his throat then, "I'm sorry about... ya' know, the Sam moaning comment."

"Shut up," I told him, but my tone was more exhausted than bitter.

"I really am sorry about everything," Carter continued.

"I don't care." And we were silent for another moment then I asked, "How did Elliot take it?"

Carter sighed, leaning his head back against the wall. "He's upset with me and mad at Sam."

"Hm," was all I responded with.

"We weren't together anyway, so he has nothing to be upset about."

I laughed sardonically, "God, you're an asshole. You know as well as everyone else, that it didn't matter whether or not you two were exclusive. You both acted like you were in fucking love with each other. Jesus, was it even worth it to hook up with Sam?"

When Carter didn't respond right away, I looked over at him. He seemed distraught and filled with shame. "No," he spoke quietly. "It wasn't worth it." He sighed and turned to me, "Noah, you have no clue how sorry I am. I wish I could take it back, but I can't... and I lost you and Elliot because of it." He looked away and leaned his head back on the bathroom wall. "I'll leave. You should stay here and be with everyone."

I didn't say anything to that. I just thought. Thought if I could ever forgive him. Even if I did, we wouldn't be the close friends we were before. Although, part of me wanted to forgive him and Sam, but it hurt too much thinking about them to together intimately. To think that Sam actually was moaning and getting pleasure from someone other than me.

So Carter left and I didn't speak to him for months after that.


Thank you for reading <3

-Xoxo, Bert

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