31- Sam

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There was an arm wrapped around my waist when I woke up Sunday morning. At first it felt nice to have Noah's arms around me, but then the reality of last light sank in and I sprung upright because the arm around me was certainly not Noah's.

Carter. Oh no. I looked down at the still sleeping and very much naked Carter and wanted to cry.

I had sex with Noah's friend. And what about Elliot? Oh my God, how could I be so thoughtless? "El, lay back down," Carter mumbled half asleep. He thought he was with Elliot.

I whacked Carter's arm, "Carter, this is bad, this is really bad," I said feeling panicked. When Carter registered my voice, he woke with a startle, but I couldn't contain my anxiety. I got out of bed, quickly putting on my boxers. "You have to leave, this- this never happened. That was-"

"A mistake," Carter stated looking just as palpable as I felt in shame.

"A huge mistake," I corrected. "Oh my God, Noah's never going to forgive me," I started pacing, my hands trembling from fear of losing Noah. "Why did I do that?" I felt like I couldn't breathe. It was inevitable, I was going to lose Noah Wright. "I'm so stupid. How could I let this happen?!"

"Hey, this was both of us. You're not the only one at fault here," Carter spook as he got changed.

"He's gonna hate me. And you," I added. Tears burning my eyes and threatening to fall.

"It's not like you cheated, you guys aren't together," Carter tried to offer but even he knew that didn't matter and it wouldn't matter to Noah. Carter's his friend, sleeping with your friend's ex is unforgivable. And Noah and I... even though we aren't together, it's complicated. For me to sleep with someone- let alone Noah's friend- a week after we broke up would be the equivalent to cheating in Noah's eyes.

But Carter and I wouldn't just be hurting Noah. "Elliot," I breathed out in horror. "Oh God," I said shamefully as my head fell into my hands.

"Elliot and I aren't exclusive," Carter pointed out.

I looked at him, my eyes portraying the sadness I knew I was going to inflict on my friends. "Don't be stupid, Carter. Elliot likes you. This would crush him."

"Then that's on him, we agreed to stop if one of us caught feelings, he should've told me." I gave Carter a pointed look that borderlines a glare. We both knew that's not really how Carter felt. And he groaned when he saw my expression, "Okay, I know, we fucked up bad. But maybe we shouldn't tell them. It didn't mean anything, we both regret it, right?"

"Yes, God yes," I said quickly.

"Jeez, one 'yes' would've sufficed, could've just nodded, actually," his tone was dry and I rolled my eyes at him for joking in a serious matter.

"What do we do?" I asked, hoping Carter had all the answers and I didn't royally fuck everything up.

"I don't know, but can we talk about it after I shower? I think I still have your cum on my stomach," we both laughed, but it wasn't even remotely funny, we knew we were fucked.

Nonetheless I waited downstair (fully clothed in sweatpants and Noah's shirt he had left at my place) for Carter as he showered and I had some time to think.

Noah and Elliot needed to know, but... what if we didn't tell them? We could both keep it a secret, how would anyone know? But I knew I was kidding myself, Noah would know something was off with me the second he sees me and the utter guilt in my eyes. I think Elliot would know too.

Fuck, that had to be to most selfish thing I'd ever done; using Carter's body as comfort for my broken heart. Now everyone was in the crossfire.

I groaned, my hands rubbing my face as I wondered if I was capable of keeping what happened between Carter and I, a secret.

But I didn't have much time to think as the doorbell rang aggressively. I got up and headed to the door. I did not want to deal with Carla or especially Elliot right now, so I hoped they weren't coming over.

I sighed and opened the front door. My heart fell to my stomach, "Noah?"


They fucked up big time. Next chapter out on Sunday... or possibly tonight bc this was a short one. Depends how much you guys beg for it ;)

Thank you for reading.

-Xoxo, Bert

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