2- Noah

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School sucked without Sam and my friends, and the constant essays and bullshit homework sucked even more. I really didn't know how I got into UIC, but it does make sense that I was in the beginner class for math and English. I did, however like my art class. I was in an art class every year in high school and even middle school, so I thought I'd continue in college. I'd say I was moderately good at art, but when I stepped foot into my art classroom and checked out all the other art pieces, I realized I was a shit artist.

So, yeah, college fucking sucked. But, Sam would be there next year, and though I was not really social, there were plenty of students in my classes that came up and talked to me. Like Dina. She was in my art Drawing I class.

I always got there before her and had my easel up by the time she entered class. Dina moved a stool closer to where I was stationed and set up her own easel to a proper height for her. "Hey," she greeted me as she sat down. I nodded as my greeting. Again, more of an introvert.

Dina talked almost the whole time during class, besides when our professor spoke. But, I didn't really mind because she never expected me to talk back. Until I glanced at her sketchbook.

My eyes widened. "Holy shit, why are you in this class? You should be in an advanced class," I told her in awe. We were only drawing a bowl of fruits that laid on the table in the middle of the class room, but damn, her drawing looked more real than the bowl of fruit itself.

She laughed, "you have to start in drawing I, unfortunately," she shrugged then looked at mine, "hey, what are you talking about? Yours is good!"

I rolled my eyes, "Now you're just being too nice."

She chuckled again, "no, I'm serious." I didn't believe her. I mean, I thought my drawing was good, but mine didn't compare to hers.

We soon had to clean up and when Dina had her station cleared, as did I, she spoke with excitement, "Hey, my boyfriend's having a party on Halloween, you should totally come and bring your boyfriend. His name was Sam, right? You two are so adorable!" Dina gushed and didn't give me a chance to respond to her invitation. "Sorry again for flirting with you, I didn't know you had a boyfriend you were exclusive with," Dina said shyly with an embarrassed expression. And yet, she herself had a boyfriend.

"No need to apologize," I shrugged, swinging my backpack over my shoulder, "like you said, you didn't know."

"There's a lot Dina doesn't know," a low voice teased from behind me. I turned around. A guy stood near me with a soft smile. He had perfectly styled, gelled blonde hair. Light hazel eyes and a small nose. He was about the same height as me, if not an inch shorter. And he wasn't in that art class, so he must've just walked in.

"I know more than you," Dina claimed, matter-of-factly.

"That might be true," the guy chuckled then held out his hand for me, "I'm Jude," he introduced himself as his eyes scanned my body. He was completely obvious about it.

I gave a short nod, "Noah," and I shook his hand.

"Noah, mmm, I like that name," Jude smiled flirtatiously.

"Thanks, so does my boyfriend," I said with a dry, monotone voice, hoping to shut down this guy's coy attitude.

It didn't. He chuckled, laying a hand on my shoulder, "Chill, you're pretty, but I have a girlfriend."

"You always call the people you just meet 'pretty'?" I asked, an eyebrow raised at him. Who the fuck did this guy think he was? I mentioned my boyfriend and he still called me pretty?

Jude shrugged, but still had a teasing grin "I didn't call my girlfriend pretty when I met her."

"Piss off," Dina said, but it was harmless. Jude laughed before pulling her to him and kissing her. Oh. His hand moving down to her ass and tongue shoved him her mouth. Jesus Christ.

My eyebrows raised, "you're the said girlfriend," I put together as they pulled away from each other. So, he was just messing with me. It was weird after I figured out I was also attracted to guys; I never knew when they were flirting with me or just messing with me.

Jude had his arm around Dina as she said, "since freshman year of high school," she grinned and I wondered if her boyfriend knew how much she flirted with me. Though they seemed like the type of couple that weren't as exclusive as they might say. "But, anyway, you should come to Jude's Halloween party! And bring Sam." Then Dina turned to Jude and explained that, "Sam's Noah's boyfriend."

Jude looked at me, "yeah, definitely bring your boyfriend and whoever," he told me with a toothy grin.

Halloween was three weeks away and landed on a Saturday night, which would be perfect for Sam to come out. "Alright. Thanks."

"Also, a couple people are coming over to my dorm tonight to drink, you should come," Dina invited me. Her tone was just as friendly as her smile.

I'd rather lay in bed, but maybe it would be good to make some friends while I was at school. I shrugged, "yeah, okay. What building are you in."

"Awesome, I'm in-" Dina started until Jude cute her off.

"Just give me your number," he stepped closer to me. "I'll text you time, and place, and everything."

I pulled out my phone and handed it to him. Jude gave me back my phone a moment later with his contact punched in. He texted himself 'Noah' so he'd have my number. "I'll text you," Jude told me.


My next class got canceled, so I was able to go home early. I was laying in bed when I thought about calling Sam, but remembered he still had school. I checked the time on my phone, he was probably beginning lunch soon.

Sam preoccupied my mind constantly, especially with not being able to see him. It was a different feeling; loving someone as strongly as I did Sam. I never thought it was possible beyond the way I loved my ex girlfriend, but I realized the way I loved her couldn't compare to the way I loved Sam. And Sam loved me all the same. It was surreal.

I sighed. I was laying in my bed, scrolling through various social medias, when I checked the time. I had about three hours until Sam got out of school. Then I was sure he would need at least two hours to do homework (even if it wasn't due the following day). So roughly five hours until I could talk to him.

My apartment felt lonely without Sam which made me feel lonely. I saw him the day before and I already missed him. I missed talking to him and laying with him. And touching him. Kissing me. Ugh, what I wouldn't give to have him next to me right now.

A thought struck me because then I felt horny thinking about all the things I'd do to him. I stood up and went to the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes and when I was ready, I sent Sam a picture of my naked body.

Sam read it instantly and I wondered what expression he made when he saw the picture. I could only imagine him blushing.

I laid back down in bed and typed out a message to go along with my picture before sending it. (And then, of course, I got off while thinking about Sam).

Fuck, I missed him.


Naughty, naughty 😈

Ugh, why can't I stick to a strict schedule? I swear to God, it's because I'm addicted to reading your comments lmao

So, anyway, you're welcome for the update <3

BUT!! Read up to chapter 5 by becoming my Patreon!! Read exclusive sexy scenes!  Out of My Control extra content that will be posted on there this week!!

-Xoxo, Bert

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