5- Sam

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"I'll talk to you later, Noah," and I hung up the phone and set my phone face down on my nightstand. I had a reason to be upset, didn't I? I mean, friend? I wasn't Noah's friend, I was his boyfriend! And Noah didn't even correct whoever the hell that guy was. I crossed my arms over my chest as I started to feel more than upset. Angry was a better term. Which I also thought I had the right to feel.

Noah should've corrected him. Saying 'friends don't do what Sam and I do' isn't correcting him. It merely stated that we did non platonic stuff. For all his friends knew, Noah and I could be just friends with benefits. Did Noah even tell them that he had a boyfriend?

And to top it off, the guy who called Noah my friend, was driving Noah home? Noah was clearly drunk and probably high. When he was intoxicated like that, he was flirty and touchy. What if that guy made a move on him or thought Noah was making a move?

Oh, God, it felt like my head was going to explode. That was what I hated the most; the unknown of Noah's life. I knew that sounded bad and like I was controlling or possessive, but I couldn't help it. I had major jealousy issues and not knowing Noah's new friends and if his new friends knew about me, was suffocating me.

I missed the summer time when it was just Noah and I in his apartment and I got to stay with him that entire summer. I wanted my mind to focus on that. Focus on the feeling of Noah lying next to me. Focus on Noah's love for me. But all I could focus on for that entire night was if that guy would do something with Noah. And if Noah was sober enough to stop it.

Noah never FaceTimed me again that night and I cried myself to sleep, the exhaustion my brain endured from all of my racing thoughts was just too much. And it was only October.


Noah FaceTimed me in the morning as I was getting ready for school which was about six am in the morning. "Hey, Dumbass, how'd you sleep?" He asked me, all smiles, but still looked tired. He didn't normally call me this early. Especially on Tuesdays and Thursdays when he doesn't have class. I thought he called to catch me before my school day to apologize to me, but his light tone didn't come off as apologetic.

"Fine." I spoke dryly, wanting Noah to notice my off mood, but he didn't as he started ranting about last night.

"Last night was so fun, I wish you were there. Honestly, you'd love them. Kyle is just like Jason and Alice is the sweetest girl, you two would hit it off for sure. Ciera's kinda scary," he chuckled, "so maybe not her. Remember Dina? The cashier you met? We were in her dorm, she's a lot like Emily except way more talkative." Noah was sure as hell talkative that morning as well, but I didn't comment. "And Jude's cool. You'd like him."

"Hm," is all I replied with. I zipped up the chino pants I had just put on.

"What's wrong?" Noah was laying in bed. Partly naked, I had a brilliant view of his bare chest down to his V line and the waistband of his briefs.

"I don't know, Noah. Maybe because we are just friends," I said bitterly as I pulled a white collared shirt over my head then tugged on my dark green crewneck sweater.

Noah sighed, which upset me more. Did he not see what was wrong with that? Was I being over dramatic? "Sam, it's not a big deal. I told him that we were dating."

"Are dating. We are dating, Noah" I corrected him, but I wanted to scream at him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that. We are dating. I'm sorry," he repeated and sounded sincere.

"I'm kinda upset you didn't even correct him." Noah and I had been trying to be more open about our feelings. The lack of honesty was the killer to our relationship last year when we first started dating. (I mean, I always tried to be honest, Noah was the one who struggled in that department). Now, both of us agreed to do our best to convey our true feelings and thoughts to each other.

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