❄︎ Part 15 - December 04.2

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Those looks really burn. I turn slowly and look into the eyes of Tom his grandmother.I look up at Tom to see what his features are like and as I suspected, he tenses his jaw. Slowly I go over his contours to get him to give me his attention, which works. "It's okay," I say to him quietly. Together we walk over to his grandmother. He lets go of my hand and kneels down in front of her.

"Hola abuela, me alegro de verte de nuevo. Me gustaría presentarte a alguien" (Hello grandmother, I am glad to see you again. I would like to introduce you to someone) He turns around and holds out his hand to me. I put my hand in his and squeeze it tightly. "This is my girlfriend Y/N Y/L/N", I smile at her but she doesn't give me another glance.

¿Por qué está aquí? (Why is she here), I knew he was talking about me, but not knowing what they were talking about made me nervous. "Porque la amo y quiero vivir mi futuro con ella" (Because I love her and I want to live my future with her), furiously he stood up and pulled me to our seat. He pushes my chair back so I can sit down. "Thank you," despite being angry, he gives me a smile and kisses my temple. He sits down next to me and puts his hand on my thigh. "So Tom, you wanted to talk business," Dominik started the conversation.

"I would indeed. Only I'd like to discuss it in private, if that's possible for you," in response Dominik nods and his grandmother looks at Tom in horror. "Don't you talk to your abuela now?"Tom's pressure on my thigh gets stronger, so I put my hand on his to calm him down. "Of course abuela, what do you want to talk about?", Tom asks her. Her gaze goes once to the side where I'm sitting and then she looks at Ilayda. "Why isn't Ilayda your girlfriend? You're much better together. You were about to be a couple," I immediately take my hand from Tom's hand and look at him in shock.

"Mother!" Dominik looks sternly at his mother, but she doesn't stay quiet. "Can your girlfriend even have children? We need successors!", I look at Tom in shock. He had warned me that his grandmother would not be thrilled, but dealing with it is another matter. "You know very well that it doesn't work between me and Ilayda! UNDERSTAND THAT!!!" he slams his palm on the table, startling everyone. "Give it up! Let me live my life the way I want to!", his grandmother gives me an evil look. I look at my hands and notice the tension growing. "That's why you're ruining your life, because you want to spend your life with that bitch?!", jerkily he got up and goes to her. "If you call her a bitch again, you'll never see me or your later grandchildren again!", I haven't seen Tom like this before. He is full of rage. As this whole situation became too much for me, I got up and walk out of the dining room. "Princess," clearly I heard Tom but I ignore him.Somehow I found a balcony in this big house. It can all be so peaceful. I notice someone coming up to me and looking into the distance with me. Nikki smiles and looks at me now as I do. "How are you doing?", I look at my hands for a moment. "How do you think I'm doing. Tom's grandmother wants to see someone else by his side and I can't even blame her," she took my hand in hers and pulls me to her. Until just now I was able to pull myself together, but now the tears are streaming down my cheek. I don't usually cry this often, but I can feel everything getting too much for me.

"Don't say that. You're perfect for Tom. I've never seen my son so happy. You have to believe that. His smile is genuine when he looks at you. When he took over the mafia, he was so emotionless, but since you're here it's different. Ilayda is a great woman and you will hear the story soon. It's not up to me to tell you, but you have to trust him."

Maybe she was right or maybe she wasn't, I don't know myself what I want right now. I walk slowly towards the door and look at Nikki again. I give her a quick smile and go back inside. In the corridor Tom comes towards me. He seems to have been looking for me already, because he looks quite relieved to see me. "Y/N," he hugs me and presses me close to him, as if he never wants me to leave his arms again. "I'm so sorry," I hold my face still against his chest and breathe in his incredibly good smell. "It's okay," I look up at him and then take another step back to get a better look at him. He looks tired. "No baby, it's not ok. I knew she could be like this, but then I didn't know it would be this bad."

"M-Maybe you should do the thinking after all and be with her. I don't want you to have to choose between me or your family," he shakes his head and looks at me hurt. "Please don't go," he took my hand and looks at it, "You changed me. No one could change me, no one I let get as close as you. I love you y/n," we both look into each other's eyes and no one says anything anymore. I put my free hand to his cheek and kiss him. Slowly he pulls away and kisses the back of my hand. "You're really making me feel like a wimp. I don't know if I should think that's a good thing," we both start laughing softly.

"Let's get this over with and then we'll go back home," together we go back to the dining room and I notice the looks on Ilayda's face. She wanted to get up and come to me but Tom gave her a hand signal to stay seated. It is quiet at the table when the food is served, because no one wants to say anything more about this topic. But after a while Dominik interrupts the silence. "What do you do for a job y/n?", I briefly look over at Tom who is looking at his father with a warning look. "I work in a café here in London," there was a short laugh and I didn't have to turn around to know who it was. "That must be a tough job. Being on your feet all day," Harry continues the conversation. He smiles at me, which I automatically do. "Now she's flirting with your brother, too. Mi querido nieto, sólo quiero protegerte. Déjala y sé feliz con otra persona." (My beloved grandson, I only want to protect you. Leave her and be happy with someone else), "Ok that's enough", Tom stands up and holds out his hand for me to stand up. I put the glass down and took his hand to stand up.

"Mother, father. I'm sorry, but Y/n and I are going to leave now," he gets his jacket and puts it over my shoulder. "Harrison!" he yelled after him. Ilayda got up too and went outside already. "You just can't see that I'm happy. Don't you understand that she makes me happy? Maybe I'm also leaving the mafia because I care most about her safety."

Shocked at this confession, I look at him and squeeze his arm, keeping his attention on me. "Don't do that," he brushes my strand of hair behind my ear "Don't worry about it," he whispers to me. His dad is up now too, looking mad. "You will never see me or our future children again", together we walk outside. Just be quiet and nothing bad will happen. He is angry so let him be angry. He holds the door open for me as a sign that I should get in, but I stop. "Get in," he tells me, but I just look at him. "Y/N don't make me angrier than I already am."I quickly get in the car and Harrison drives off.

Arriving at Tom's house, we all get in. He goes straight upstairs and doesn't even say goodnight. "Go to him. He needs you now," I look at Ilayda and then go upstairs. He is sitting on the edge of the bed. I put his jacket he gave me over the chair and go to him. I put my hands on his shoulders and kiss his temple. "I just don't get it! Why can't she see me happy?" he says desperately, looking down at the floor. "She just wants the right one by your side. Even though it's hard and really has a big temper. Is she still your family.", he puts his hand on mine and takes a deep breath. "You're the right one on mine. She just needs to understand."I take off my high heels and then kneel down in front of him. "You might want to talk to them alone again. With your father, too. Such a decision as leaving the mafia doesn't carry anything good with it. I don't want anything to happen to you," I kiss him before going into the bathroom and removing my makeup. Before I go to bed, I take a warm shower and think. I thought for a long time, so I made a decision.

Tom will be better when I am gone.

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