❄︎ Part 28 - December 11.04

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Immediately I notice Tom tense up next to me, while I just wanted to get away from this situation. "What are you doing here?" he asks her angrily, but his grandmother just smiles at him. With some you never knew if they were poisonous behind their facades, but with his grandmother when she smiled you could tell that if you turned around she would stick a knife in your back.

"That's no way to greet your grandmother," she walked past us and Tom his tension became more and more visible. "I hate to repeat myself. What do you want here?!", his grandmother's gaze went to me, which Tom also notices, that's why he stands in front of me. "I just want to talk to you two. Especially with your beautiful girlfriend."

Her voice brings goosebumps on my skin, immediately I take Tom's hand and squeeze it tightly. "I don't think you should talk to her and I'm asking you to leave now. I want to spend a day with my girlfriend," but this woman doesn't care, she walked past Tom and looks me straight in the eyes. My hand grips Tom's hand tighter. She wanted to go closer to me but Tom his bodyguards and he don't allow that because they immediately go between us. "You're going to die," she says in front of everyone and walks out the door.

I can feel the fear coming up inside me and my circulation is not doing the whole thing either. It all starts to spin as stars slowly form in my field of vision. "I need a water real quick," Tom calls out and I notice myself being lifted up. "It's going to be okay, you need to calm down princess".This is not how I had envisioned my morning with Tom, but it always has to be broken by someone else. We didn't talk about it after my circulation was back to normal, but I knew it was bothering Tom. Whenever I spoke to him, he was lost in his thoughts. We sat on the couch until the evening and just cuddled, his closeness made me feel so calm at that moment.

But now I'm in our room looking at myself in the mirror. The dress hugs my body, my breasts are pushed up a bit and my butt is really emphasized in this dress. My hair was tied into a tight braid while my makeup matches the color of the dress perfectly. Tom comes into the room and looks at me with wide eyes, as he stood behind me he slowly puts his hands around my waist. "How can you look so beautiful? Princess you just surpass everything," slowly I turn to him, my eyes slowly going over his body and I already notice that desire inside me again.

"I can only return that. I have to be careful, not that someone snatches me away from you," the corners of his mouth twitch upwards. "I belong only to you," slowly he comes closer to me and I feel his lips on mine, the slow rhythm makes this moment romantic. As he pulls away he gives me another kiss on my forehead, but then looks me in the eye. "We should start slowly", he gives me his hand and together we go downstairs. Tom's bodyguards are already waiting for us downstairs, they open the door for me while Tom helps me get in. I thank him, then he gets in as well. I didn't know what kind of event this was, but Tom said it was business. Even though Tom is sitting next to me and his bodyguards are also there I am nervous, if it is a business event then Tom is not the only mafia boss in the room. Nervously I start bouncing my leg, my mother used to tell me not to do that when I was little, but I have gotten into the habit of doing that when I am nervous. Tom puts his hand on my knee, which automatically makes my leg stop. "You don't have to be nervous, we'll be on our way faster than you can imagine. Besides, think of what else we have planned for today," slowly his hand goes under my dress, his eyes showing the desire just like my stomach tingling.

As his fingers slowly push my panties to the side and his fingers make their presence known on my clit, I have to hold back my moan. Tom leans over to me and whispers in my ear "You have to make it come until we get there", after the sentence I feel him go inside me with his finger. I claw at his arm but he makes no sound. His finger is getting faster and faster, I couldn't keep myself together and let out an attempted soft moan. "You will give those beautiful sounds later under me", that was the point where he reached my G-Spot and the orgasm came over me.

"Fuck," I say out of breath and can't exactly believe myself what just happened here. Slightly embarrassed, I look over at Tom and see him grinning. He takes his finger out of me and then lays down, finger like, where my fluid is. "Good girl," he kisses my forehead as he lets go of me I notice the scale slowly stop. Casually Tom gets out of the car as if nothing just happened, while I remain seated with shaky legs still.

My feet touch the floor of the red carpet, if Tom wasn't by my side I would lose the grip under my feet. "Are you okay princess?" he asks me with his provocative grin. "Hm", I can only answer, I never knew how an orgasm feels, but I can say now that this feeling is incredible and also the desire for more is getting stronger.

We arrive in a large hall, which is beautifully decorated festively, which actually surprises me for the business being done here. All eyes are on us, which makes me even more nervous than I already am. "We're going to our place now, that's where you're going to stay the whole time, please," he says sternly to me. "What if I get hungry?" he rolls his eyes and pulls the chair back so I can sit down. "Then you talk it over with Clark," he points to the bodyguard standing right next to Tom.

"I have to go right now too princess, please take care of yourself and don't get into any trouble".

"Yes", I answer curtly and get a forehead kiss before he disappears behind a big black door. "Great and what do we do now?", I ask Clark, but he looks around to make sure no one is coming too close to me. Annoyed, I lean against the chair and look at all these people who are here, especially the women. They all look so confident, they all know what they want and what their place is here. Unlike me, they must be the wives or daughters of some mafia boss, and me? I' m the little girlfriend who is kept out of everything.
Hey!" came a small voice behind me, slowly I turn around and see a beautiful young lady. By my appearance, I think she is the same age as me. She had medium length blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes and the perfect skin. "Hey," I answer her, noticing at the same moment Clark trying to get up. "No let her," I say to him and smile at her. She doesn't care that the muscleman gives her a nasty look, because she just sits down next to me.

"You feel the same way I do, right? My husband is doing some business while I'm waiting," she says annoyed and I have to stifle a slight laugh. "Yeah, and that line about taking care of yourself and not getting into trouble," we both started laughing while Clark just looks at us confused.

"I'm Aurela," she extends her hand to me, which I immediately accepted. "I'm y/n" and so I found someone to talk to and laugh with after all. She had told me in the course of the evening that she had also been kidnapped once, after which she had made her husband's life really difficult for a month. Her father was a mafia boss, so life in a mafia is not all that bad. "I have to go to the bathroom for a minute, but don't run away," I say to her, which makes her smile. I quickly got up, but not a meter is made without Clark. As I was about to go to the bathroom, he went after me like a puppy, but I turn him around and stop him.

"Ladies restroom," with that I shoot the door and take one deep breath. Actually, I don't need to go to the bathroom, instead I needed a little moment to myself. Leaning against the sink, I take another deep breath and I notice myself relaxing again. It feels like I'm having a small panic attack, but I didn't even know why I felt so bad from that one moment, but when I think about it, it's actually all the stress in the last few days. Especially the incident with Tom his grandmother.

When I look up suddenly someone is standing next to me, startled I look back and there stood Ilayda. I quickly close my eyes and then open them again, but there was no one standing there. "Y/N?", I heard Aurela her voice and she sounded worried. "Baby please open the door," when I heard his voice too, I really came back to reality. You should stop thinking about her all the time, my inner voice tells me. Suddenly the door was ripped open and a worried Tom is standing in front of me, immediately he looks me up and down. "Are you alright? You've been in the bathroom for quite a while," he took my hand and pulls me towards him like this. "Yes I'm fine."Of course I knew he didn't believe me, but I just didn't want to talk about it. I'm slowly going crazy if all this goes on. I couldn't look that fast, he pulls me out of the bathroom, with quick steps we walk to the exit. "I couldn't say goodbye to Aurela," I say sadly to him, but he doesn't care. Quickly we get into the car and immediately we drive off, sadly I look back once more. I couldn't even exchange numbers with Aurela. "You will see her again. I'm doing business with her husband", immediately my mood improves, as thanks I kiss him but for him this is not enough. He straps me and lifts me on his lap.

To be continued

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