❄︎ Part 27 - December 11.03

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Hand in hand Tom and I go to my parents, from whom I get a big hug as soon as they see me. "You look beautiful my darling. I see your hot boyfriend came too," shocked I looked at my mother and immediately notice how I blush. "Mother!", I admonish her, but she has already turned to Tom. "I'm glad to see you again Mrs. Y/L/N," my mother doesn't hesitate long and hugs him, my father could only laugh at this situation, but I'm very embarrassed.

"Shall we then?", all agree and together we set off. The cold air I breathe deeply, immediately I notice how I relax. Tom took my hand in his, now I know that I forgot my gloves, but his hands are so warm, I don't need gloves. "Your mother is a very nice woman," he says with a smile. I squeeze his hand a little tighter as a sign to stop making fun of it. "Stop that. She seems to like you a lot," my gaze went to him, but the grin didn't leave his face.

I'm glad Tom shows this side of him to me more than the cold and dangerous side of him. It feels like we are a normal couple taking a normal walk through the park. "I think she likes me so much because I make her daughter happy," now I'm the one grinning. He's right, because I'm very happy at Tom's side, I've never really told him that before. "Yes I am. Even very happy. I love you," I say from the bottom of my heart. Tom stops and kisses me, but somehow, I feel like I'm being watched, like someone is drilling holes in my back, I noticed something like that with Tom back then, but the feeling was definitely different than this. Tom notices that, something is wrong and breaks away from our kiss. "What's wrong?", immediately I look around, but I don't see anyone looking at us conspicuously.

Tom puts his hand on my chin and turns my head so I can look at him again. "Princess what's wrong?" he asks me again as wrinkles form on his forehead. "I feel like someone is watching us," I answer him and look around again to discover Tom his bodyguards. "You're serious?", lightly Tom scratches the back of his neck, knowing I caught him taking the bodyguards with him. Since my parents have an amazing pace, we also start walking again and it's quiet. The warmth from Tom's hands is gone and suddenly my hands are cold again.

"I just want you and of course your family to be safe," of course I knew since he told me what happened back then that control was the most important thing to him. "I'll just have to deal with that," as his hand wraps around mine and immediately the warmth is back. I snuggle into his strong arm and look ahead. My parents have stopped, having noticed that we were walking rather slowly.

"There I am with my old bones faster than you two in your young years," my dad says to us, and we all have to laugh a little. "Have you heard from your brother?" my mom asks me again and there it was again, that pain that I have repressed since Tom came into my life. "No," I answer her, and I knew myself that the two of them must be in even worse shape than I am.

The whole walk went on very calmly in the end, of course I felt guilty for answering my mother so coldly, but the subject is also very difficult for me. I miss my brother very much, even with the thoughts I have already played that he is not even alive. Lost in thought, I sit on our bed and look out the window, not even noticing how Tom comes into the bedroom and looks at me. "You're thinking about your brother, right?" slowly I turn my head to him and nod. "Come on, I have a little something that will take your mind off of it," he holds out his hand to me, which of course I accepted because if I didn't, I would have the problems. But instead of me thinking we were going to the living room as I expected, he went two doors down and stops in front of the door. "I told you we were going to a ball tonight, but what would a ball be without an adorable dress?", slowly he opens the door and when I see what's in the room my breath catches. "Omg", I have never seen so many dresses in my whole life. Of course, dresses are not my favorite clothes, but these dresses all hanging in front of me are beautiful.

"I know the clothes don't distract you from your thoughts entirely of your brother, but I hope that maybe you can block it out a little." I hug him stormily as Tom nestles into the crook of my neck and laughs. "Just try them on. I want to look at my beautiful girlfriend," I blush abruptly from that comment.

Lightly, you push Tom out of the room, but he gives you an honestly confused look. "It is supposed to be a surprise effect or not", quickly I close the door in front of me, now I am alone in this huge room with very many and expensive dresses. The first dress was black and had a rather large neckline, even I find it too inappropriate and uncomfortable.

When I open the door and Tom saw me for the first time, his eyes got big, but from his facial expression I could see that he doesn't like it at all. "Absolutely not," he walked up to me and pulls the fabric stuck to my chest together. "That's the way I'd like it," laughing I shake my head and close the door still hearing him say "That's mine and no one else's."

So, it went all the time that it was too much cleavage for him or that was just cheap, after some time I also just didn't feel like it anymore and was about to go in sweatpants. I had only three dresses left, then I would have tried on all the dresses in the room.

I look at the last dresses very closely, my gaze stops at a red tight-fitting dress, which has a slit on the leg. Immediately I take it off the rack, already when I touched the fabric, I had a good feeling that it is the dress I will wear today. Slowly I put on the dress, while the fabric touches my skin, I get goose bumps. Red the color of love, but also of power, fire and passion. I look at myself in the mirror and immediately fell in love, immediately I go to the door you open it so that Tom can see it too, but he was no longer sitting on the chair.

Disappointment spreads in me, because he seems to have no desire to constantly look at any clothes that did not look nice on me. I go back into the room and continue to look at myself. "You look so beautiful baby," startled I turn around there he stood, "How did you get in here? Have you been in here this whole time?" he comes running up to me and puts his arms around me, he pulls me closer to him, instantly I can feel his warm breath against my skin, giving me goosebumps.

"You just didn't notice me when I came in. You took a long time, that's why I was a little worried," slowly he walks his gaze over my body, licking his wonderful lips. I feel his hot breath on my ear and the next moment I notice him lightly biting my earlobe, which immediately excites me. "I'm going to have to keep an eye on you tonight if you're going to look like that, because baby you look so damn hot in that dress that even I can't keep it together like that."

My eyes drift down, and I can see the hard erection in his pants. I place my hand carefully on his chest, not taking my eyes off him once. Tom looks at me appraisingly as my hand slowly moves over his body and stops at his erection. "Mi Amore!" he says warningly, but I can only grin provocatively at him, slowly undoing his button on his pants and he doesn't take his eyes off me one bit. "Don't play with me," lightly I shake my head and bite my lip. "Never."

Slowly and a little nervously I go under the fabric of his boxers and reach for his erection, I had in the feeling that is well endowed, but I would not have expected this. "You'll never fit inside me," I say, slightly embarrassed. His gaze pierces me, but instead of saying anything he kisses me greedily and automatically I move my hand on his erection, making him groan. But when I had him to go further with me, we hear that it rings at the door. Annoyed, I pull away and look at him.

As if my mind had been gone for those minutes, I realize what I was doing here. Suddenly, I blushed instantly. "You're cute. Don't be embarrassed that you have a desire for me to finally go through you. Besides, you really managed to turn off my brain, and no one really does that," he gives me a kiss on the forehead, straightens his pants and gives me his hand. "Come on, we have to go see who's at the door."

His warm hand wraps around mine and together we go downstairs. Even though Tom tells me not to be embarrassed, it's hard not to think about it. What if I'm not good enough in bed or it just hurts. I haven't been in that situation yet that ever the first time I've gotten that intimate with someone else. "I know you're scared of it, but don't be because I'll be really careful, I promise."

Tom opens the door and when I see his grandmother, I just want to leave.

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