❄︎ Part 25 - December 11.01

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When I slowly open my eyes, I immediately look into two beautiful brown eyes. I could not remember how I actually got here, but could think that Tom has carried me up. Since I fell asleep while watching a movie yesterday. "Good morning princess," Tom says in his raspy morning voice that always gives me goosebumps. "Good morning," I reply and just look at him. Why can't this always be the way it goes?

Why can't he always be next to me when I wake up? But the work means a lot to him and according to Harrison or even Gaby, he doesn't want to make any more mistakes. But what actually happened that it is so important to him not to make mistakes? All these questions are in my head almost every day and none of them are answered.

"You look so cute when you're in your mind," I look at him and I can't help but smile. "It's nice that you're there when I wake up. The last time you were always gone," he pulls me close and gives me a kiss on the forehead. "You know," he started but I just nodded, "work is important. I know," sadly I look at his hand he placed on my hip. It was quiet for that moment, because no one really knew what to say now, but what could be said to the situation. Suddenly Tom his phone started to ring. At the same time you look into each other's eyes. Slightly I shake my head and hope that he does not answer, but this hope was gone very quickly when he turns to the phone and answered.

"I'm off today!" he says madly. But I didn't feel like listening to this conversation, so I got up and went to the bathroom. A last look at Tom shows me that he is really sorry. I' m a little disappointed, because he promised to spend the day with me, but that will change, too. "Then that's the way it is," I say to my reflection and go through my hair. For a short moment I close my eyes but feel two arms wrap around me.

"I'm sorry mi amore. It was just about an assignment and Harrison will take care of the rest, then we will have peace for today," his warm breath against my skin leaves me with goosebumps. I open my eyes again and see his well trained upper body. lightly I bite my lower lip and look at him. "Do you like what you see mi Amore?", he starts kissing my neck, but I knew he was grinning inside.

I put my head a little to the side so I can enjoy it even more. Tom pulls me even closer to him and I can feel the desire. I also have this desire from him, because my heart starts to beat twice as fast. "Fuck babe, I have to stop or I'll do things you're not ready for," I slowly turn to him and put my hands on his bare chest. "Who says I'm not ready for this," I slowly move my hand down to the thumb of his pants. "Mi Amore!" he admonishes me, but my hand keeps going down, but suddenly he holds my hand and brings it to his mouth.

He kisses the back of my hand, not taking his eyes off me for a single second. "Not here amore. We should postpone that until tonight. As much as I'd love to fuck you here now, we're going to breakfast. So get ready," he gives me a quick kiss on the lips and disappears out of the bathroom. Since I still couldn't realize what I almost did there, I didn't stop for a few seconds. Slowly I come back to myself and go to take a shower. Spontaneously I still decided to wash my hair, immediately comes to me the smell of cherry when I make the shampoo on. It is my absolute favorite shampoo. After forty-five minutes I went out of the shower and dry my hair with a towel. Since I took longer than I thought, I quickly go to the closet and look for something cozy out. I quickly grab a knit sweater and gray jogging pants, whether Tom also jogging pants occupied? Until now I have always seen him with suits. Maybe once a tight-fitting shirt, but otherwise never normal clothes.

With a grip I take out my black underwear and then go back into the bathroom. I quickly put on my clothes and realize that I forgot my socks, but before I get them I have to blow dry my hair a bit. When that is also finally done, I quickly get my socks and make my way to the kitchen. Even with the warm things I'm a little cold. I hope it will change soon and I won't be so cold all the time. "You're done already?", I ask Tom who is sitting on the chair with his coffee. "Unlike you, I don't need an hour in the bathroom," he laughs and kisses me. The closeness of Tom makes my body a little warmer, but I don't feel quite warm.

"Amore you have very cold hands," worriedly he looks at me and covers my hands with his. "Gaby should make you a hot tea", immediately he calls for here and I also notice that Gaby looks at me worried. "I'm fine, don't worry about me. This is quite normal in winter."

I sit down on a chair and look outside, where it starts to snow. Tom puts his hands on my upper arms and slowly strokes them. "You seem happy," automatically I have to smile and look up at him. "I am. I'm enjoying this time with you to the fullest," he leans down to me underneath and kisses me. With a lot of love. There is no better way to describe this kiss. "What time are we going to this ball today?", the tea was placed in front of me and I look at Gaby thankfully.

"We'll be picked up at 6pm. Unfortunately I can't be with you the whole time as I have a few more calls to make, but as soon as I'm done with that all my attention will be yours," my cheek immediately turned red thinking about what's going to happen this night. "Tom?", I say quietly and look out the window. "Yes?", he answers me and sits back in his seat. This situation reminds me of the night he told me he was a mafia boss and that we should move in together. "Can I go visit my parents? We always go for walks when it's been snowing."

My gaze lands on the table, but then I'm not that hungry. "Of course we can go to your parents. You should never be afraid to ask if you want us to visit your family," I nod my thanks and take a sip of my tea. "Aren't you going to eat anything?" he looks at me with raised eyebrows. "I'm not particularly hungry," since it's no use lying to him anyway, I tell him straight. "Sam should come over and check you again," I sigh and I walk over to him and put my hands around the back of his neck. "Honey, that's not necessary at all. I'm fine, don't worry about it," I say to him and just hope that was the end of the subject.

"I'll keep an eye on you, but if it doesn't get better I'm going to call Sam and have him check me out," I roll my eyes. He gives me a warning look but I ignore it. It is quiet for a while as he reads his newspaper and I look out the window. My phone started ringing, so I quickly go into the living room where it is still on the couch from yesterday. As I look at the small screen, I suddenly turn pale. It's the nursing home. "Hello?", I say anxiously, hoping my parents are okay. "Y/N? Hey sweetie, how are you?" when I hear my mother's voice on the other end of the line, I automatically get color back in my face.

"Mom! I was afraid something happened. You know that this is the number of the nursing home and if they call me there, it means-", "That something happened to us. I know," she interrupted me. "But it's the fastest way to contact you. You know these new devices aren't for me," we start laughing and my worries disappear again. "How is Dad?", I ask her and sit down on the couch. "He's doing very well. But why I'm actually calling is because I wanted to ask you if we wanted to go for a walk today. It's snowing really nicely again, you can walk through the park," I immediately have to start smiling. "I was just talking about that with Tom. We will be with you in two hours," "Great! See you later my sweetie."

"See you later mom," I hang up and walk back into the kitchen to Tom who is looking at me intently. "Who was that?" he asks immediately. "That was my mom. She asked us if we wanted to go for a walk," I take a big sip of the tea and feel myself getting dizzy. "This obviously means a lot to you," he looks me in the eye and I feel like he's scanning me right now. "Yeah, you're right about that. When my brother was still around, we usually still associated it with the Christmas market, but since he's gone. It's not the same anymore," Tom understandably nods and looks at his newspaper again.

Grateful that he doesn't bring up the subject again, I go back to the living room, where Tom also sits down with me after half an hour. "I think we should start clearing up a few things."


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