❄︎ Part 30 - December 13

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Tom Holland

Yesterday was also a special day for me, it was not my first time, but that y/n has shown me that she gives herself to me is something special. After she begged me that I should take the day off yesterday, I agreed. Her wonderful eyes and the look she showed me, I just could not look away. From day to day, I realize again and again how much Y/N has become my weak point.

But today I have to concentrate on work again, but the problem behind this is that I can't concentrate on my work at all. All my thoughts are on her lying under me moaning my names. I realize, with this thought, that it is getting tight in my pants again. I take out my phone, which is on the inside of my jacket, and dial her number.

After two toots, she picks up and I hear her angelic voice. "You know I'm only one floor down, right?" she laughed, which automatically made me smile too. This woman is really making me feel like a softy. "I need you in my office," her laughter stopped all at once and suddenly I hear her ask nervously, "Now?"

"Now!", I quickly gave as a reply and hang up so she can't ask any unnecessary follow-up questions. I hear her come running up the stairs, but instead of her coming running into my office, there is silence. I wonder if she is thinking about coming in. But my thought disappears as there is a knock at the door. I open the door for her and look into her perfect face. Without her being able to react, I grab her hand and pull her over to me. "Tom what are you doing?" she asks me.

Even though she doesn't want to show me, but her eyes show me her desire. "I have a little problem and I think you could help me with this one," I take her hand and look at her reaction as she feels my erection. "I can't do that, we're in your office. Besides...your bodyguards are at the door," she answers me nervously, swallowing hard. You're about to swallow something else.

My thumb goes to her perfect lips while I use my other hand to guide her hand to my erection. "All because I was thinking about you for a moment," her lips flash me a smile. My lips go to her neck, and it produced exactly the effect I wanted, her adorable moans are like music to my ears.

Suddenly the door was pulled open, and Harrison was standing in my office. Annoyed, I roll my eyes and lean against my desk. "Knocking has never been your strong suit," I say to him. I grab y/n her waist and pull her toward me. The redness in her face shows me clearly that she is quite uncomfortable with the whole thing and wants to get out of this situation as quickly as possible. "Maybe you should stop doing your sex stuff in your office", grinning he looks at y/n who is getting even redder than she is already. Laughing slightly, I look at her but give Harrison my concentration back.

"Do you want to explain to me why you're here in the first place," my right eyebrow raises, and I look at him tensely. "It's business," instantly my good mood was gone again. "Give me five minutes," he nods curtly and walks back out of my office, when he closed the door behind him y/n immediately removes himself from me.

"Your sex story?" she asks me hysterically. "It's not that bad. Now calm down," but instead of calming down I notice her getting angrier and angrier. "Are you actually kidding me? How many women have been here?", she still doesn't understand that my heart belongs only to her. I try to reach for her hand, but she pulls it back. "Don't make me angry", I try to say it in a nice way, but you could hear in the undertone that I am getting angry.

"Am I just another one of the many?", angrily I look at her and grab her hand a little harder so that it comes against my chest. "You should leave now before I lose myself", angrily she looks at me one last time and walks out of my office. I quickly turn on my computer and look at the security cameras, of course she doesn't know about it because if she knew I wouldn't be in control anymore. Controlling her safety is the most important thing for me. When I find her in the library, I am somewhat reassured, but still she has made me angry.

With quick steps, I go down to Harrison, where two of my guards are already standing watch in front of the big door. When they see me, they nod and open the door for me. I have exclusively forbidden Y/N to come to this floor, but I know my girl. She is incredibly curious and she has already proven to me that she is quite smart, which gives me one more reason to love this woman.

Still, I push my thoughts about Y/N aside, eager to hear what Harrison tells me. "So I want to hear something," he turns and hands me a file.

"We put all the cases we've had lately together once and we noticed something," I look at the file intently and all the cases had a common goal. They wanted Y/N, but the question is why.

"Not only did we notice that Y/N was always their target. We took a closer look at all the men and with a special light they had an A on their wrist. I know this question I'm about to ask you is pretty private, but does Y/N have any enemies?", thoughtfully I go through my hair and think about everything she told me about her life.

"Actually, there is someone I have in mind, but I need to get more information. Give me until tonight", at first he looks at me confused but nods afterwards. In the end, he has no choice but to follow my orders. I give him back the file and make my way to the library. Secretly, I hope that I am wrong for once and that it is someone else. It would break her heart if it really is him.

Upstairs she is sitting on the couch reading a book, when she notices my presence she first looks up but then doesn't give me another look. "We need to talk," but still she is engrossed in her book. I exhale angrily and take the book from her hand. "Give it back to me! I have nothing to talk to you about," she stood up and tried to take the book back, but I put my arm up so she couldn't reach. She didn't try for long and sat down on the couch again. Looking at her like this, I notice this desire for her again, but I have to control that, since this is really a serious issue.

"What do you want?" she asks me in her angry voice, but I could see quite clearly that she is struggling with herself. Her thighs that she presses together. Her lip that finds itself between her teeth and the nervous swallowing. "Actually, I have completely different things planned for you, but there is something more important right now."

"Thomas what do you want?" she asks again. I look at her with narrowed eyes. She wants to provoke me. "First, I forbid you to call me Thomas, and second, what is your brother's name?"

"What do you want from my brother?" anyone who knows her can still see the pain in her eyes and that also causes me pain. I want her to be happy and not keep thinking about that asshole.

"Amore," I start and sit down next to her. Automatically I put my arm around her and kiss her forehead. "Please answer my question," with glazed eyes she looks at me and takes a deep breath. "Alejandro"

At that moment I was aware, all those attempted attacks on us were from her brother.

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