Chapter 47

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Within the blink of an eye, the next day was here. The day I'd been dreading for the past two weeks. The band was leaving at ten to arrive to their first show in Oregon at seven. Riker woke me up with a sweet, deep kiss. I savored the moment, as it was one of the last we would share. We had woken up pretty early, at around six a.m. Stormie promised to make a huge, yummy breakfast for everyone. Riker slept with my body pulled closed to his all night long. Riker didn't have to do much to kiss me when he woke up. He basically just puckered his lips and mine were right there.

"Morning, babygirl." Riker smiled.

"Morning, angel. Today's the big day!" I tried to act happy, which I was. I was just going to miss them all. A lot.

"I know!" Riker cheered softly. His happiness was so adorable. "I can't believe that in just a few hours, were gonna be playing our own headlining show!" Riker rambled on and on for about three more minuets until he realized I was just staring at his face.

"Were you just staring at my face?" He gasped, pretending to be hurt.

I shrugged playfully. "Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't." Riker rolled on top of me, his body almost crushing mine. I laughed as Riker wormed his body to where he was in front of me. "Well, hello there." I smiled.

Riker's rough hand rested on my waist. "Be good while I'm gone."

"I'm not your daughter, Riker." I rolled my eyes. "Anyways, we've had this chat a billion times before. You don't have to worry about me. I'm going to spend most of my time either teaching or hanging out with my girl friends. You're the one that needs to be good."

"I'm not going to lose the best thing that's ever happened to me." Riker kissed my cheek. We laid in bed and watched some tv until we finally decided to get up. Riker took a shower and I brushed my hair up into a ponytail. I put on my glasses and brushed my teeth. Riker stepped into our room in nothing but a towel around his waist. My eyes roamed over his body and when he turned around to grab something from the top of our closet, his back muscles flexed.

"I can feel you staring." Riker said, pulling on purple shirt, sadly covering the beautiful sight. He dropped his towel and I covered my eyes, squealing at his naked butt.

"Riker!" I gasped.

"What?" I heard him smirk. I peeked through my hands, thankful to see he had boxers on. "You know you loved it." He said. Riker pulled on grey sweat pants and I dropped my hands from my eyes. Riker picked me up in a hug and spun me around.

"You're right, I did." Riker kissed my neck and sat me back on the ground. We walked down the stairs, the sweet smell of breakfast foods enticing our noses. Stormie finished putting the last platter on the table as we walked downstairs. Rydel and Rocky were already down there, Rocky's hair wet from a shower. Rydel's long blonde hair hung straight around her face, her silver tinsel strands shining.

"Good morning!" Stormie said, giving us both a hug. "I hope you're hungry."

Riker smiled at his mom. "Trust me, I am." I nodded too. I gave Rydel a hug.

"I broke up with Ben." She whispered, not sounding the least bit unhappy. "I decided he wasn't worth wasting my time on. Plus, I didn't want to be worrying about him while I should be caring about the fans. So, I ended things last night."

I smiled at Rydel. "Delly, I'm so proud of you." I gave her another hug.

"Sit by me." She said. We both grabbed a plate and started to fill them with food. Stormie made fruit salad, pancakes, waffles, scrambled eggs, bacon, and cinnamon rolls, all from scratch. I sat between Rydel and Riker on one side of the table. Rocky was across from me, Ryland and Ross sat on either of his sides. Stormie and Mark sat at opposite heads of the table. We all dug into the amazing breakfast.

"These eggs are perfection!" Rydel exclaimed.

"So are these waffles." I said, shoveling some into my mouth. Ross tossed a grape into the air, but Rocky caught it before he could. Everyone laughed at the two. The whole rest of breakfast was full of laughs and smiles. Everyone helped cleaned up, and then went their separate ways. Riker and I spent the last few hours we had together watching a movie and cuddling. At eleven thirty, Riker rolled out of bed and slid on his shoes. He slung his backpack over his shoulder and pulled me up from bed. We walked outside to where the big tour bus sat across the street.

"I'll be right back." Riker said, kissing my cheek. He walked onto the tour bus and disappeared for a few minuets.

Rydel was the first to come say goodbye. "I'll miss you so much!" Rydel squeezed me in a hug.

"Text me anytime, okay?"

Rydel nodded. "I will." Rydel hugged me one more time before going over to Stormie. Ross walked over and picked me up. I couldn't believe how quickly he grew up.

"I remember when your were just fourteen and you had noodle arms." I laughed when Ross put me down.

"Yeah." He laughed then smiled at me. "I'll text you when I can, promise." Ross turned to walk but I grabbed his wrist.

"Keep an eye out for Riker for me, Ross."

Ross gave me a confused look. "Why? I thought you trusted him."

"I do! It's just, you know how boys are. Please?"

"I will." Ross promised.

"Thanks." Ross and I hugged and he walked away. Rocky came up to me next and we said our goodbyes. Ratliff was next, then Ryland. Riker was last and he smothered me in a hug.

"I'll call you as soon as we get to Oregon. And before and after every show. I'll send you good night texts and we can FaceTime during the day." Riker held me close to him as I fought back tears.

"Okay." I whispered, avoiding eye contact. Riker lifted my face toward his.

"Hey," Riker wiped away my tears. "I love you so much."

I gave Riker a kiss. "I love you too. Now go, I'll text you later."

"Alright. One more kiss." Riker pulled my lips to his in a long kiss. When we pulled away, Riker smiled. The last thing he said before getting on the bus was, "I love you."

He Shoves Me But Loves Me (Riker Lynch/R5)Where stories live. Discover now