Chapter 7

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At around six that evening, I went home with a warm feeling inside. I agreed to go on a date with Riker Lynch, the guy who hates me. Okay then! I gave him my number so we could talk. I went into my basement, and plopped down at the piano. I turned on the light and thought of a song. I started to play the keys to a classical tune. I closed my eyes and let my hands fly across the keys.

"Marilyn, time for dinner!" My Aunt Sylvia said. I stopped my playing and go upstairs to the kitchen. I saw her set out two plates of grilled chicken, vibrant, green steamed spinach, corn, and a glass of lemon water.

"Yummy! Looks great!" I beamed taking a seat. But then, she sat out another plate, this one was loaded up with a serving around two large handful more than ours.

"Who's that for?" I asked placing a napkin on my lap.

"I want you to meet someone tonight Marilyn." She says. I noticed her outfit, a sophisticated black dress, red heels, and her wedding ring is off. Oh no.

"Come on in Darren." She said. In walked a man, tall, with ash brown hair.

"Marilyn, this is my boyfriend. Darren Tyler." I opened my mouth then close it. I stand up and cross over to him. I shake his hand and smile. I was utterly shocked AMD a little upset with my aunt. I thought she'd never get over my uncle.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Marilyn." I greeted him. He smiled at me.

"You too. I hope this isn't awkward for you." I sensed something about him that made me stand on edge a little. I couldn't put my finger on it but I knew he seemed fishy.

"No it's fine!" I assured him with a lie. I took my seat and we dug into our meals.

"You know Auntie," I said after taking a nibble of chicken. "I was thinking of trying out for the talent show this year." It was my last year in high school. I'd always been the quiet girl but I was breaking out from that. No more of being a push over.

"That's great honey!" She took a sip of lemon water. "What would you do? Play the piano? Dance? Read some poetry?"

"Um, I was thinking singing." I murmur.

"Really? I've never heard you sing before."

"Yeah well." I trailed off. I ate some spinach and thought of the songs I could sing. Well, it also wasn't for two more months so things could change within that time period.

After dinner, I helped Auntie and Darren clean the kitchen. Then we all went into the basement and I took my seat at the piano. I played the tune I was earlier as my Aunt talked. Later that night, Darren left and I went up to my room. I was on my iPhone and I got a text from Riker.

"Hey." Was all it said.

"Hi! What's up?" I typed back.

"Ross won't stop drooling over you."

I laughed a little. "Wow. He needs some serious help."

"Lol. Whatcha doin?"

"About to pick an outfit for school."

"Cool. I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow."

"K." I replied. I played some music and looked at tomorrow's weather on my tv.

"And for tomorrow your looking forward to sunny skies L.A. So, dress comfortably and say cool. It will be a high around seventy-nine!" The meteorologist said.

"Hmm," I pondered. I went over to my closet and thought. I didn't have gym tomorrow so I wore a dress. I picked out a floral dress and my white flats. I hung the dress on my door and put the flats on the floor. I put my phone on it's charger and climbed into my bed. I turned off the light and snuggle into bed.


A/N: You likey? Hope so!

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