Chapter 12

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When I got back home about twenty minuets later, I felt a twinge of sadness shoot through me. Yes, I know that I shouldn't be focused on a guy who spilled ink on me and wants me to be dead, but I couldn't help it I'm a teen! I was sitting in my bed, thinking of how I can get over this. My aunt won't be home until Sunday. But she did leave some extra cash in the secret spot!

I bolted up from my bed and go down into the basement. I pushed the couch aside and it revealed a small safe. I put in the combination, my uncle's birth date, and opened the safe. I pulled out two, one hundred dollars and locked it up, placing the couch back to its original spot. I got up the stairs, and rammed my feet into my cow slippers. I ran to the car and basically fall in, jamming the key into the ignition.

I go to the bank and deposited the money into my account, which already had two hundred dollars in it. Once I arrived back home, I opened up my Mac laptop and plopped down on the couch, opening some chips and pop. I log into an eBay and put my iPhone 3 up for sale. Someone instantly bought it for two hundred dollars! The money went straight into my account and I started to package my old iPhone up, after clearing all the data. I sent it off to the persons address and realized I had six hundred dollars in my account! I also realize that now I have to go buy a new phone. I looked down and saw I was covered in chips. I dusted the crumbs off, changed into a pair of flip flops, and jump back in my car.

I visited T-mobile and looked at the array of iPhones. My eyes land on the 5c in pink. I paid for it and changed my number, so now I won't be getting texts from Riker! I do the normal iPhone set up and explore iOS 7.

I drove home after getting my phone and stopped to get some Starbucks along the way.

"Hello welcome to Starbucks! What can I get you today?" Asked a guy with brown hair flicked to the side and piercing green eyes.

"Can I uh," I could feel my palms start to perspire. "Can I have a um, a vanilla bean frappe please?"

"Sure! And this one will be on the house." He smiled a pearly white smile that made my heart melt.

"Why thank you," I gasped. "But say, can I at least know the name of who is buying my drink?"

He laughed and started to mix my drink together. "Christian."

I took a seat at the end of the coffee bar. "Well Christian, my name is Marilyn." He started the blender and walked over to me and leaned on the counter.

"Marilyn, like Marilyn Monroe?" I giggled and blushed a little. He was very flirty.

"No, I could never be as beautiful as she was." I sighed, crossing my legs.

"C'mon you look just like her. Same adorable nose." I smiled.

"No, I'm just a geek." I said. I had a headache so I had on my glasses and my hair in a bun, like usual.

"No," He took my drink out of the blender and started to put it in a cup. As Christian put on the whipped cream, I noticed his beautifully toned arms. "Your gorgeous." I smiled and took a sip of my drink.

"Thank you, but last night was a horror film." I massaged my temples, just thinking about it gave me a migraine.

"What happened?"

"I'll tell you later maybe."

"Well," He pulled out and iPhone 5s in gold, "you can call me anytime or text me anytime." I typed in my number under the name 'Marilyn the Nerd'. I gave Christian my phone and he put his number under 'Just Christian'.

"I'll call you later." I said as I grabbed my drink, and strode out of the door, feeling confident as ever. That was until I noticed an all too familiar blue Mustang right next to my Jeep.

"Damn it." I huffed. I tried to be nonchalant about getting in my car, but Riker saw me anyways. He got out and sauntered toward me, a smug expression glued to his face.

"Hey Marilyn!" He exclaimed, but I ignored him. Riker came over to me and smirked. "Can't wait for your surprise tomorrow."

"Really? You know, you always say that, but they always wind up being the same damn thing, every time. You always beat me up. So where's the 'surprise' element in that?" I scowled.

"You're right. I guess I'll see you at school. Oh,this one is a true surprise." I rolled my eyes and pushed Riker away.

"Oh hey Riker?" I yelled as I was about to drive away. He turned around. "Go fuck yourself!"

The next morning at school, I was just in some cuffed blue sweats and a Hollister shirt. My hair was down, like always and I had on my glasses. I grabbed my math book, binder, and my book I was reading. The bell rang but I didn't care. I was trudging to class then, all of a sudden, I got tackled to the ground. I heard my books land with a dull smack! to the ground. I started to thrash and kick around because I knew Riker was the one behind this.

"Marilyn, time for a hair cut." I heard him taunt in my ear. I felt my long hair be swept up, then the awful crunching sound of it being cut.

"No!" I screamed as tears started to stream down my face. "Stop!" It was too late.

My long beautiful hair, was gone. It was barely below my shoulders, I couldn't look down and see it anymore. Riker, who was holding me down, left not a strand of hair behind after he ran. I gathered my things and shoved them back in my locker. I got my keys and left school, not caring if I got caught.

A/N: No more long hair Marilyn! My hair is curly and boob length but I like it like that! What kind of hair do you have?

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